chapter 39

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before you start : miss you is fucking great

Third Person P.OV

Liam's firm grip on Harry's forearm prevented him from turning back. He was seething with anger, probably having heard the conversation between him and Louis, Harry presumed.

He babbled in fury, all in one breath, without giving a chance to Harry to speak.

"How dare he?! How freaking dare he?! We trusted him! After all the bullshit he has done, we trusted him! And what did he do? Turn it into a joke!-"

"-Liam, listen to me-"

"Suppressed omegas out there suffer from horrible things. And you know why they aren't ever taken seriously?"

"-Liam, please just listen-"

"Because of selfish pricks like Louis fucking Tomlinson, that's why!"


Harry's voice held as much rage as Liam's, finally getting the other alpha to shut up. To say he was taken back was an understatement. Harry had always been a calm alpha (unlike the other two). He has never been the one to raise his voice, but Liam was pushing his limits.

"Whoa- Harry, I'm just as angry about this as you are. C'mon, let's just go home. You can let it all out there."

That frustrated Harry more, he knew Louis was lying! He might have tried to hide his feeling but he must have forgotten that eyes speak. Harry could see through Louis' cover, albeit for the first time. And Harry wasn't gonna just let it go.

"No, Liam. It's not that." Harry's curls shook, as he tried to grab Liam's shoulder to get his attention.

Liam's eyes held confusion, unable to understand what Harry meant.

"I think Louis' lying. He is an omega."

Liam's face scrunched up in disgust and confusion, but Harry cut him off before he got a chance to speak.

"Listen, I don't know how you can miss it, but this is all clearly a scam! Can't you see what is actually happening?! It's the management! They're doing this!"

"Harry...we're all in shock but that doesn't mean we deny the truth-"

"Liam! Goddamnit! Okay... listen closely now. Louis' being held back by wires, these wires represent the management. They surround him, trapping him in this 'prison'. But the wires are getting older, I can hear the way they are creaking. Liam, together, we can help Louis break free! We can help him before it's too late-"

Liam cupped Harry's face, "Can you hear yourself? Harry, just listen to the things you're babbling. All this...all this nonsense about wires and shit. I think you've been reading too many books Haz. This doesn't happen in real life, Louis played with us. With you, with me, with Zayn even with poor fucking Niall. C'mon Harry, let's just go home. I don't think I can see louis without wanting to break his skull again."

With that Liam was gone, leaving a frustrated Harry. And a few rooms down the corridor, a heartbroken Louis on the verge of tears.

With brisk steps, Liam came towards Niall and Zayn. Niall had tears streaks running down his face, while Zayn rubbed his back. Zayn's angry expression was similar to Liam's.
Both the alphas felt ridiculed, humiliated and disgusted. Letting out all these emotions in tsunami waves of anger, all directed to Louis.

But the sight of their crying Omega intensified the feeling. Anger bubbled inside them, ready to explode any second.

"Hey Ni baby...hey,bubba, hey, breath. Follow me okay? Inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale." 

Niall hiccuped softly, trying to follow Liam's advice.

"Why did-why did Louis do that? Were we all a game to him? A experiment?! Why does hate omegas so much? Why does Louis hate me so-so much to hurt me like that?"

"Fucking beta" liam whispered underneath his breath. 

Zayn remained quiet the whole time. Things didn't add up. He did feel angry, ridiculed and a tiny bit disgusted, but mostly confused. Louis wasn't the kind of person to stoop so low. To what extent would the doctors go to keep up with these lies. Faking the second gender or lying about it could be a criminal offence and the doctor would have their license taken, why would anyone support that then?
Their personal doctor, one of the first one Louis went to, was a good man. Had a family of five including him, a pair of twins and a newborn along with a trophy life. He had enough wealth and greedy wasn't the right way to describe him. He had nothing in it for him, why would he lie?
The same way, management never stepped in. Louis could show up to a concert half drunk or extremely hungover and they'd just tell him to brush his teeth (because his breath used to stink of alcohol). One time he went streaking as a dare in one of his outrageous parties. Pictures were all over the internet and all the drama channels only talked about it for nearly months (until the next big scandal happened). If they wanted to protect their morals by exposing the 'truth', there were many instances the management could have stepped in.
And Zayn saw the contract Louis had signed with his own eyes. It seemed official, no something Louis could fake. Heck, the management seal was also on it. Proving its validity.
Louis wasn't such a shallow person either, he might be a party animal or a bit too impulsive but he wasn't so crude. He never dared to joke around with such sensitive topics, why start now?

Zayn's train of thought was cut short by Liam vigorously waving his hand in Zayn's face.
"Earth to Zayn? Earth to Zayn!"

He blinked furiously a few times, "huh?"

Liam chuckled at his stupidity, Zayn noticing that Niall was no longer crying. Liam had succeeded in calming him down.

"C'mon boys, ready to go home?"
With that Niall and Zayn both got up, nodding in agreement. Niall was emotionally exhausted and Zayn needed a quiet place to think and add up the dots.

The three boys walked out of the spare room Niall had found to weep in. Harry stood outside the door, tugging at his hair. He seemed to have pushed back his already receding hairline.

"Haz?"  Zayn called out the blurry figure, charging up and down the hallway. Harry turned his head towards them so fast, it could be considered a miracle he didn't get a whiplash. 

"Oh thank god you guys are still here. Okay now listen to me. I think management is forcing Louis to do this. I really do believe that he is in fact a omega. He's not a beta! He can't be a beta-"
"Harry stop with all this bullshit. I know, the truth hurts-"
"But secrets kill! Listen to me Liam for goodness sake!"

Zayn and Niall remained quiet, watching the exchange take place. Zayn was a least bit happy that someone too could see that something wasn't right and Niall just wanted to sleep, today was enough for his omega body.

"You know what Harry! I've had it! I''be had it completely! I tried to be nice to you and explain you nicely but you don't listen! Why don't you get it that we're all tried and we all find this hard to believe! You can't come home until you come out of your daydream. Sorry to burst your damn bubble but the truth is Harry, Louis. Is. A. Beta!"

Liam's voice boomed in the mostly empty hallway, earning a few glares from passing by nurses and a few shushes from the patients.
But the pack remained unbothered, too lost in their own world. Harry's face held as much determination as Liam's, not wanting to back down on what he believed in. Niall's face held horror and confusion, the pack leader had just kicked the baby alpha outside of their house.
Zayn was more baffled then he had ever been. Liam was never the one to kick someone out just because they didn't agree with his thoughts And opinions.

The only thing Zayn was sure about was that this story had three sides. One the management's, one louis' and the truth.

He needed to find the truth.

Thank you everyone for reading this chapter! Sorry for any grammatical errors and the Super late update! If you liked this chapter, please leave a comment or a vote!

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