Chapter 32

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Third person P.O.V

The sound of someone calling his name woke Louis up. 

Niall was softly whispering his name as he tried to wake him up. 
"Hey boo, wake up honey. You need to eat something."  Louis slowly stirred as he opened his eyes, trying to get used to the blinding whitewashed walls as he looked around for the other omega. A soft kiss to the side of his temple made him aware of the other's location. 

"Hi Ni" He greeted the other omega as he tried to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. As his blurry vision cleared up, he sat up straight, with the help of Niall. He looked around as he remebered the events of the previous evening. The doctor had asked him to stay for a few nights as they wanted to do some tests on him, to see how badly the suppressants had affected him. He also remembers Harry dropping off Niall and two bags of clothes as only one person was allowed to stay with the patient and Niall had put up a long fight to make sure it's him. The last thing he remembers is getting up early for a CT scan before going to bed again.

The hospital room was plain, white walls and white ceilings. A small table on the far left corner and a sofa-bed to his right. A small television hung on the wall facing him as the main door remained open, enabling him to see outside. 

"The nurse asked me to wake you up and to give you this. You haven't had anything since the morning, the nurse told me you need to have some food!" Niall handed him a glass of water from the small side table from the place he sat on, next to Louis, on his bed. He took the glass of water as a small headache began to mature in his forehead. 

"Thanks, Ni, where are the alphas?" Niall looked at Louis before thinking about it for a moment, pulling his classic confused Horan face. 
"I don't know. After your CT scan, they went to ask something to the doctor, but I think they got lost."

Louis smiles at Niall, slightly amused by his interesting choice of words before gulping down the whole glass. He didn't realize how thirsty he was until he had gulped all the water down. He gave it back to Niall who just hugged him back after placing it down. They stayed like that, just letting the silence fill up the room. Eventually, a set of footsteps broke them apart. 

The alphas rushed in, eager to see their omegas. Louis sat on the bed, looking extremely small under the sickly white sheets and Niall had a protective hand on Louis' knee. 

Zayn rushed next to Louis, Harry hot on his heels while Liam sat next to Niall, reaching out to caress Louis' cheeks softly. 

"How ya doin' boo? Feelin' sick or something?"

"Nah, I'm okay. Except I have a bit of a migraine, I think. Feel quite refreshed actually."  

"That's great and how about you Niall? Missed us?"

"No Liam, I had your better half here with me" Niall replied back with a wink and a playful smile. Liam replied with a chuckle as Zayn feigned an offended gasp. Harry was too lost staring at Louis to be bothered about the friendly banter taking place.

Louis had become a shell of himself these days, so soft-spoken and calm. Harry remembers the cheeky boy he met at the X-factor toilets, he remembers the initially shy boy who eventually became the loudest in the band during their first years. He remembers a lot of moments when all he wanted was to make Louis his but he doesn't remember much from after it went wrong. His memory of Louis after their second album fades into blurry and badly-lit pictures of Louis in clubs and pointless arguments with Louis about nothing which made them avoid each other for weeks. And Harry wishes he could buy a time-machine with his wealth so he could stop himself from making these mistakes again. He wishes he had done something earlier to save the boy he truly loves than to make him go through hell alone.

A small tug on his hand made him aware of the life around him. Louis'  tired yet beautiful eyes stared at him as a beautiful smile graced Louis' lips. And all Harry wanted to do is scream because Louis looked so precious

Louis opened his mouth to say something but the doctor walked in, holding some files and interrupting their moment. The grim look on his face obviously didn't mean good news.

"The CT scan showed some scarring in the lung and kidney tissue. The scarring in the lung is relatively small but it can lead to difficulty of breath so if you feel tightness in your chest, please inform a doctor immediately. The scarring in the kidneys is much more serious though, it has affected the filtering unit so you're going to have to watch very carefully what you eat and I recommend a few round of dialysis.  The scan also shows that your ribs are a bit cracked, as though they were shattered but never fully recovered. Do have a memory of any type of incident or anything?"

"Umm, I was in an accident a few months back, it wasn't anything major.  A small run in with a car or something like that.."

The alphas turned to look at Louis, confused and unaware of what he was talking about. They had no awareness of their bandmate being in an accident or anything like that. They'd have to ask Louis later.

"Hmm... could you please tell me if you feel this."  He walked over to louis, placing his hand on Louis' flat tummy and pinching softly. As he moved toward the ribs, Louis stopped feeling.

"That confirms it, there's certainly some kind of nerve damage. The pain receptors aren't working properly. This means the suppressants have had some neurological effects already, so we're gonna have to take some blood tests tomorrow. I suggest you eat and rest plenty today." 

The doctor handed some papers to each of the alphas who were having a hard time comprehending the depth of the situation. Never in a million years had they thought they would have to face this. Niall was shocked, to say the least, Louis had always been in good health, to hear such a long list of threatening effects scared him. He didn't want to lose Louis, he loved him too much.

Harry reached out to hold Louis' hand who was staring at his lap, unable to react.  Before any words of reassurance or comfort could be exchanged, Zayn's phone rang.

Management was calling them.

hey everybody, i haven't had time to write since exams start from next week and i've been behind in my syllabus. I'm sorry for the quality of this chapter, i'm having a bit of a writer's block and i've tried to find any mistakes in this chapter so please excuse me if there are any typos or grammatical errors.  Also i'm not adoctor so sorry for any inaccuracies.

Thanks a lot for reading, all the love xx.

P.s; if this story is getting to angsty for you, i've started another book which is mainly fluff. Please check it out, it's called , 'don't you mind?// l.s'

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