Chapter 23

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Third person P.O.V

Somehow the boys managed to make it to one of the spare beds in the guest rooms, considering none of them wanted to let go of Louis.  How ironic, first they couldn't bother to spare a second glance now they couldn't let go.

It was around 4 am and Louis was wide awake. Maybe it was the softness of the bed or the warm bodies hugging contrasting to the cold pillows. Looking at each their faces, Louis wasn't sure what would happen now. Maybe he could look for that piano and just think about the muddle of confusion which was his life, while playing it.

Getting out of the bed without waking anyone up proves to be a task, nearly stepping on Zayn's face and falling off the bed due to Niall suddenly moving.  But louis, thankfully, lands on a rug, muffling the sound.  

Softly closing the door behind him, he looked around the corridor. Thousands of pictures lined the walls, some even with fans but not a single picture of him. With him cropped out of the picture or him not looking at the camera, face hidden. And sadness flows through him, but rage quickly replaces it.

Not even a minute ago, they were crushing him in hugs whispering sweet things to him but looking at these pictures brings back so many times he's suffered purely because of them. Maybe if he wasn't an omega, he would be doomed to their torture his whole life. 

And suddenly, he can't bear to be in that house anymore, the walls seem to be closing in. The air suffocates him and his feets are running through the pathways to the main door. Before he leaves, he writes a simple note to the boys.  i'm leaving, don't look for me.    

He knew they'd never see his text if he sent them. His number was blocked in their phones.

The cold air hit his face, rushing to his lungs and letting him breathe again. The door probably closed loudly, waking at least one of them but he couldn't care less. The road in front of him was empty, the sun wasn't completely out; just peeking out. The sky looked beautiful and for once Louis actually felt alive with needing anybody. 

Thankfully, his phone and earphones were in his jean pockets. He had forgotten to take them out. Plugging in his iphone, he put the first song he found. Which happened to be fumes by EDEN. The song matched his mood, lonely but free and hopeful. 

Singing loudly and dancing, Louis walked down the streets and he didn't care if he woke someone up, for the first time, the only person he cared about was himself.  Eyes closed, walking blindly on the road, louis crashed into something.

It was a street lamp and louis couldn't help but laugh at himself. Sitting on the still slightly wet grass, watching the sun rise. It was the best feeling ever. Why hadn't he done it before? Tired blue eyes seemed to light up for the first time as the sun shone brightly. Even the strong gust of wind blowing in his face soothed him. 

The peace was disrupted by his ringtone. It was Niall calling. Half-heartedly he answered Niall,

"hey ni, good morning."

"oh my god! Louis! where are you? are you okay? why'd you leave? do you nee-"

"chill boo, I'm fine."

"What- are you seriously asking me to chill? Louis! you left without a warning!"

"hey! I left a note saying i left. and i'm fine. I've taken care of myself all these years."

And Niall's heart cracks a little, without the alphas, he couldn't take care of himself for even a day.
"do the alphas know Niall?"

"huh-what- no. No, they don't, I was gonna tell them but I thought I'd call you first."

Louis softly chuckled at the boy on the other end. Niall was always the first one to know things. Maybe that's why Niall was the coolest member of the band. 

"Okay, Neil. I'm gonna go now. Tell the alphas good morning."

"what?! where are you though? you didn't tell me!"

"skydiving without parachutes"

With that Louis cuts the call, getting up and stretching. The sky is a pastel blue with hints of purple here and there and it looks so perfect, Louis takes a picture. 

His phone rings again, but this time it's an unknown number.  Louis just cuts the call. He doesn't want to spend his time talking to people who didn't really like him.  His phone rings again, it's the unknown number again. Maybe the alphas changed their numbers but a text from that number proves him wrong. 

where r u??
New phone, who dis?

tomlinson, don't play with me. it's john.

Louis shoots back a sassy remark.

New life, who dis?

don't be snarky, louis. you know i can end you.

chill dude, you're the management guy. i remember your face.

 Usually, Louis isn't so chilled and calm in front of the management guys but in about 28, everything has changed. The large part of him which was filled fear, anxiety and self-hatred has disappeared.

He ignores the next few text messages coming in, frankly considering throwing his phone away. Looking around, Louis realizes he doesn't know where he is. He's never seen these streets before and since he was walking around blindly, he doesn't know how to go back. 

But that's okay. Louis just wants to be lost for a while.

Meanwhile, a few kilometers away, the rest of the band is freaking out. Niall took Louis last statement as a way of saying he was going to commit suicide. Not realizing Louis was joking, Niall worked up a storm. Harry soon joined in, calling the police and nearly filing a missing person report. Until Liam stepped in, the only one who could keep his calm in tense situations. Liam managed to calm Harry and Niall down to an extent where they weren't having panic attacks and Zayn just kept staring at the note. Praying Louis' location would just appear on the piece of paper. 

It takes them a while, but it hits them eventually. After how they treated Louis, always pushing him away and ignoring him. They really didn't deserve his love. After all, why would he want to stay close to them or in their house after they made it clear in the past that his presence was clearly a burden. 

Somethings just can't be forgotten.

hiiiiii, I have a habit of updating late at night and I'm too tired to proof-read. sorry!

anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and also the song at the top is one of my favourites. i'm in love with EDEN.  anyways, thanks for reading! 


all the love, xx

good morning/good night/ good evening/ good afternoon

Migraine [louis-centric]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt