28-Escaping Tears

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                                                                     (I love this gif, imagine it's Cara.) 

Cara couldn't help but let more tears fall, as she wasn't used to worrying about people, she had spent most of her life isolated from the world. 

Scott hugged her tighter, he knew that's what she needed. Cara sighs closing her eyes hoping that the embrace never gets cold but what warmth can make this better?

School was the last thing on the werewolves mind but still, after school had ended they went to Scott's bike. Cara  sat on the bike and wrapped her arms around the boy. 

"Guy's I appreciate you wanting to protect me but I gotta be alone for this so... Sorry about this." Scott says as they drive away.

As Ethan and Aiden struggle to get their bikes to start, noticing something was missing they look to see the Alpha all ready on his way.

Scott picked up Kira on the way and she showed him the missing tools from the twins. She smirked at Scott and Cara which turned out o be super cute. "What do I do with these?"

Cara and Scott share a look before the latter shouts, "Anything you want."

Dropping them to the floor with a pleased smile, Kira gestures to Scott that she was ready as the three drive away.

As the three supernatural teens stepped into the McCall house, they couldn't help but feel as if the plan could fail completely, but of course when your in the pack of the most optimistic alpha you start to hope a little. 

"Can you lock the door?"Scott asks Cara as Kira followed behind the boy 

"I'll do it." Cara calls out as the other pair walk deeper into the house. 

Scott rushes to the windows, making sure the curtains were drawn. Kira nervously played with her fingers as Cara comes up to the girl with a comforting pat on the shoulder. "We're running out of time." 

"I know but Allison, her dad and Isaac are working on something that could help." Scott tells her, trying to calm her. 

"I don't want to sound pessimistic or anything, but you really think this is going to keep them out?" Kira asks as Cara runs around the house closing the curtains. 

"Actually," Cara states, not stopping at all. "We have a kind of security system." 

"Things happened a couple of weeks ago, a lot of things, And we had my boss help make a few changes to the house." Scott adds. 

"Your boss? Do you work for a security company or something?" Kira asked and Cara scoffed. 

"He's a veterinarian." Cara and Scott say at the same time but they don't acknowledge it. 

"You had your vet put in your alarm?" Kira questioned starting to get confused and worried. 

"Kira," Cara stops, giving her a small smile. "You don't need to worry we got this."

"I can't arm it, by the way. Only my mom can and, well, neither can Cara." Scott said walking into the kitchen. 

"Where's she?" Kira queried with a hopeful look on her face. 

"Don't worry. She'll be here." Scott assured. 

Kira looked down. "You both say that a lot."

Scott runs up the stairs with Cara and Kira following him. Scott runs into his room closing his window. "Cara go close your room's as well." 

Long Returning ¤ Stiles Stilinski [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz