Chapter 15 my past

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I sat perched on a tree branch out of peins reach I was tire of him treating me like a kid and telling me off.

"Tell me"he asked with a pinch of begging in his voice.

"Piss of carrot, my secret not yours"

"What did you just call me"

"Carrot C........A.........R......R.....O.......T"I spelled out for him,being a smart ass was fun.

Remember earlier how I sai I wa out of Peins reach well forget about that because pein started to climb the tree.and let you tell me he did NOT look like a happy bunny.

"Is pein a happy bunny"I asked in my child voice.

Hidan called out from bellow "Pein looks like a bunny thats gonna rip your head off"Hidan smirked at the last bit he said.

"I looked down at the tree trunk he was climbing "I think Hidans right" I whispered to myself"

I felt breathing on my neck.I didn't want to turn around body dared me to

I looked into the eyes of anger and pouted "I don't think Peins a happy bun......"I didn't get to finish my sentence I was

Punched throught the air into a small lake.

The lake wouldve been great to break the impact of me crashing that was if I knew how to swim.

My body filled with panic and I splashed frantically trying to stay above the water.Black started closing in on me and the last thing I remember is people calling my name.


I ran as fast as a cheetah running away from my old life of slavery.

The rain pelted down on me my clothes were drenched and raged but all I did was run not taking notice of my surrounding every now and then I would turn back to see if anyone was chasing my trail but sure enough their was none.

I sat on the side of the streets sobbing gently into my own chest I had no non who cared for me no on to lie to me and tell me it okay to cry or everything's okay when it wasn't.

Ai went over to a glass window that was fogged up by the rain and wiped it down so I could see through it.Their we're kids with a mother and farther who were dancing around happily near a fire place.I moaned and let tears escape as I travelled down the same depressing road once again.

I reached into my pocket pullin out a small pouch of coins I had stole from my master and some which I stumbled across when i was allowed to wander across the streets.

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