Chapter 14 NO CHOICE

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Forget the whloe thing that i said about the akasuki getting smarter and change that to dummer because for one freaking reason they forgot to lock the chain so as soon as  i moved the chain came undone Yay.Akatsuki is currently on no points and im on 1.I then looked for a window again the akatsuki are stupid how am i suppose to breathe in a room with no freaking window or door how the hell did they get me in this room.But a bigger question why do they want me.

'well it might me because ur a princess of dragons just maby'the voice in my head said with sarcasum.

I physicaly wanted to hit my head because this voice in my head is so flipping annoying but i know that would only end up with me having a headache and the voice in my head laughting at me.

I walked around the room for a whlie and then more,more,more and more and i was starting to go mental their was no way out.I went to perform a justu but i couldnt in my mind i was seriously thinking WTF!!!!!!!!

this might just be a dream i said pinching my arm and then some more and more "OUCH"i said and started to waterfall cry and then started to suck on my currently acheing arm.

I dropped to the floor and started rolling on the ground hugging my arm.

Then suddenly footsteps were heard i croutched on the ground and pressed my back against the brick wall and then suddenly i cut myself on a brick wall.Screw trying to be quite "HOW THE HELL DID I GET A CUT FROM A BRICK WALL"i yelled at the top of my lungs so probley the whloe base could hear me.

(Okay people who are reading this mira is NOT a vampire okay)I was seriously thinking i was crazy when i did this but no one was around to see me i started to suck on my now bleeding finger.

As soo  as a person entered the room,i do not know how he saw me sucking my finger like a babby okay not a very good first impression.And as soon as i looked at him i had a spazz i felt for my weapond nothing.I wanted to kill this guy he was the guy who took me here i charged at him.But her instantly pinned me down "how the hell did you get lose un"he asked."first of all you guys should know their is suck thing as a lock "i then decided to be a smartass like kakashi was to me "l.......o.......c.......k "i spelled out to him.I could see anger in his eyes.I kicked him in the chest and ran i started pushing he bricks in "wheres the magic door"i asked him.

He sweat drped."leader sama,has requestered your presence"he said slightly boredand then in no more than a secound after he said that we were in a dark roo.A loud voice than said "deidara you now can leave"im quessing the leader said."So mira is that you name".He asked although i couldnt see him i felt scared all at once but i then gained the confidencen and spoke up "yep"i said in a very mature mannure which was nothing like the normal me."Well then join the akatsuki"he said with an overpowering voice "and if i don"t i asked

"Then you would be no use to us'and we would have to kill you"he said and i could almos sensce that he was smirking.

"That is bull shit"i yelled at him".

He chuckled "You in then"he asked

"i have no choice"i said

Now i felt the worst i hade been in ages i had now  betrayed two things i loved konaha and the people(i hate to admit it but i loved that town) and just recently Zabuza and Haku.

The lights were then turned on and i looked up to see a guy with orange hair and also a akatsuki robe what did i expect of course he would have a robe.

"Wel then lets introduce you to everyone"he said and led me out the door."Okay im pein but you will know me as leader sama"he finished."i only have one leader and only call him that so good luck trying to get me to call you that" i said looking right into his eyes.From behind me i heard hidan chuckling i atually am starting to like him.He then had flames in his eyes and if looks could kill i would be dead thousands of times over and over again

After hours of him yelling at me and me giving him crap and smart comments and answers we finally came to a descision and he hatted it im calling him Carrot how awsome am i?Afterwards after pein had a tantrum Hidan came up to me "your name is............i got it silver"i said.Just like pein had done before he pinned me down and started choking me."keep it up and youll be silver mist"i siad through a choking fit."Dont hurt her un"deidara said "oh hi bannana" i said to deidara through large gasps for air and then he to joined in choking me.

I rubbed my now sour neck and went up to orange(tobi)"orange bannana and silvermist hurt"i whinned to him.


"Okay Mira your against" Carrot searchered the room "itachi"he said staring at him."im against emo yay"i said over enthursiastic."BEGIN"pein shouted

I was jumping around desperatly trying to escape the swords itachi threw at me and im not going to lie to you i was dodging for my life.I then tried to summon a dragon "rising thunder quake dragon"i said making my dragon teeth come out of my jaw.I slid my finger over my fangs and blood drew and i pushed my finger to the ground.The dragon leaped out of the ground on its way it made sure to let me grab onto its scales.I was pulled up high holding onto my dragons scales and climbing higher.I then wished i had my god damn twin swords stupid Akatsuki letting itachi have a advantage.I then directed my dragon to swoop down on Itachi but sadly it was a .....................crow clone?Anyways crows fluttered into my face and then i tried something that I hadent mastered yet but i still gave it a ttry i closed my eyes images of crows  appeared in my head i theen opened my eyes they were i know it sounds corney but a glistening rainbow colour my eyes turned. the crows then immediately stoped flaping around me and headed for Itachi.This was a thing that nobody else knew only me Mira Mist.

I was interupted but Pein ordering us to release our justu and my summoning i sighed"dragon realease"i said clamping my hands together.

"MIra one question what was that"he said pointing to my still rainbow eyes



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