Chapter 6 hunting her down

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I sat still asorbered in the water bed i felt like runing but my body wouldnt let me,it had only been a few days but i think i shared a bond with this town a special one that nobody could break and it felt like i belonged here and as much as i hate to admit it i might not go back to Haku and Zabuza.I could choose my own path instead of being pushed around by Gato i could live my own life i could start fresh in this town.

HAKU P.O.V (awsome)

I put my two awsome twin swords zabuza had gave me and put it on my sash after 7 days we were going to find Mira.All question buzed around my head Gato thought she had betrayed us.But i knew Mira well she would never betray us wouls she?

Miras p.o.v

I looked at kakashi he came in with a tray with toast an egg and a glass of apple juice,i stared at it glorious food.I snached it off him and started to gobble it up."Its late after dnner you have to go to bed"he said he looked at me im gonna lock up the door now i dont want you to escape now do i"he said making his way to the exit. "goodnight"he said and i heard a click i was now locked in a room.Yeah i think he knows im not going to go to sleep does he. in my mind i was making comment to myself like yay own personal jail.

The princess of dragon's the student of Zabuza (Naruto fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant