Please tell me your ok ~chapter 29

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I felt useless what could I do ?
I felt a bit betrayed ...
The akatsuki were my family to, I knew at one point I was going to have to choose sides but I didn't even want to talk about that now.
"Mira..." I knew that voice Deidara.
"What do u want?" My voice was cold , I was feed up.
"Mira come on orders are orders un"
" really should I really believe you? Huh because right now your killing my best friend !, and you still even want me to talk to you , pathetic "
I didn't care what I said .
I wasn't waiting for knight in shining armour to rescue me ,I was waiting for someone to come in and kill me , I didn't care who but .
I had betrayed everyone in the leaf village .
'If I ever get out , I need to sort my shit out'
And boy there was a lot of it to sort out .
I don't think I can go on anymore ....
I closed my eyes so what it's chakra proof? But it's only chakra proof to a certain limit
Though ..... I closed my eyes , I'm pretty sure he couldn't lock it that good that it restricts all justu's? Oh we'll we're going to find out !

So it didn't work that great. I was panting , I honestly didn't know how many more time's i could try before I pass out .
There was one last thing I was going to try though, and it might be forbidden , but it's not like I could get into anymore trouble then I am in.
" screech of the dragons " I said preforming all the appropriate hand signs.
The prison bars rattled .My ears were going to go death at any moment .The screams were to loud, I just needed it to break the lock I would be fine after that. So I went to the last resort I had , I forced more chakra into the move . It worked , I feel death but It worked so I'm not complaining .But I know have a lot of people on my trail , I mean I wasn't that stealthy was I ? I felt as though my legs would buckle in any second. But I forced myself to move , I swear on my life I am going to save the naruto . And not to be over dramatic but if it Costs me my life . Then I was going to do if ~

Of course my plans never go perfectly do they ?
"Get out of my way Deidara , or I'll make you" I barked , I don't care if I sounded harsh . I don't care if he hated me .

~please naruto hang on !~

"Bring it then" there was no un to the end of his sentence , all his niceness and gentle ness had just vanished into the air , as if it was never there.

Naruto's P.O.V

I was week , I wish I could of just break out of these chains and then punched there face's off. I was worried , but not for myself I was worried because all I could hear was scream's . What worried me even more was I knew Mira was here. If those barstards even touched her , they wouldn't live another day.


I'm sorry for the short update :c the next one will be big though ^0^~
Believe it !
Thanks for all the support :3 it gives me a reason to smile ~
Also excuse my punctuation and spelling in the previous chapters ^^

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