3. Woofyy

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He yaa. . Chapter 3 .

POV (Point of view) Luke:

I've arrived at my apartment. And .. Woofy greeted me.
"Hallo woofy" I said as I carried him.

Woofy is the dog that I took care of 2 years ago. He is the only living thing that accompanies my life. He can be said ..

"My only family"

I took a milk, and coffee from the refrigerator. The coffee I pour in my glass, and the milk I pour in woofy bowl.

"You know woofy I got a new mission" "tonight I'll make the strategy, and tomorrow I'll kill him" I said to woofy.
I know, woofy didn't respond. This is just a habit from the first

I finished my coffee, then made a strategy for the A2Z9 mission.
This mission will work. Definitely can, like the previous missions.


POV : Sally .

Let's hurry in! We'll be late," Jessi said.
I entered the *Muay Thai class with Jessi. I really like this sports , it makes me feel safe when im in danger situation .

*: Thai martial arts sports.

"Hey Sal! Jess!" said Lily, coach of Muay Thai here. I also replied "Heyy Ly! Sorry late, I through the traffic jam really bad".
"That's okay , we're just starting, come on Sal, jess here"

Jess and I went straight to the class with enthusiasm. I've entered level 7 in this class, that includes seniors.
"Sally, now there's a new technique" Lily said. Lily explained it. "So .. this is a full blooded technique"
I have never studied that thing before.

"So first prepare your finger like this, then full blooded at the nape of the neck, upper back, and shoulders here" continued Lily.

Then I asked "how's the person condition , if we I do that thing?"
"em. He will faint immediately , but this is only for emergency okay" she said.

Well, this will be very useful. I will train this full-blooded technique at home.

______________Next day_______________

POV : Luke


Damn "ughh", what's that noisy sound. Ohh yaa .. that's my alarm, and I have to run my mission today.

I immediately got up, and took a shower . The strategy is done , this is the easiest strategy I ever made, because she's a girl right?

It must be easy. I've killed several women victims using this strategy, and it's always works.

After showering, I immediately put on my suit, gloves, safety shoes and masks. This is a set of offices, every agent should wear this while doing the mission.

"Byee woofy". I said to woofy , then I bring a slice of bread and a box of coffee for breakfast in the car.
I turned on my jeep, then headed to the victim's house. I already know the address, and the details of her house from the Boss.

The plan, I will shoot her from outside the house. In the window near the bushes of her house. It's risky, but I'm sure this mission will work.

"Brmmm", I turned off my jeep. Yep I parked 5 meters from the victim's house.

I also put a hearing aid in my ear, so Amigos agents can give me a clue while on a mission.
"Hello Snakey agent, did you hear me? How does the hearing aid work?" Ask Amigos agent.

"Yes I heard you , is there other person in the house except her at home?" I asked.
"Hmm ... let me see" he paused for a moment, then answered

"there is no guard or other agent Snakey! She's alone at home, this would be easy for you, then I off first, I have other interests".

"Okay" I said as I took off my hearing aids.

I also took a soft gun, and put it in my pocket.

OK . I'm heading to the house of victims code A2Z9

Thankyou for reading ❤ .
I'm sorry if the story was boring than ever :( .
Sally : and... the grammar
Me : yas . Thankyou for remembering . Btw don't forget to vote + Comment + Add to library + favorite + Follow me 💕 love u all

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