2. Sally A.W

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Note : welcome to chapter two . Have fun ! I hope u not faint cuz  the grammar :D .

I went to the headquarters of the Boss . Ugh... im so lazy . I hope it's not  a small mission , Im getting bored .
"Titttt". The gate in front of me was open, my Jeep  entered there.

"Good Afternoon Snakey agent!" Said agent Flo
"Oh .. Good Afternoon Flo!" .
His real name is John. John is the keeper of the headquarters there, he was my best friend since childhood.

"See ya later , I have to meet our boss", I said. He just nodded.
I'll go straight to the elevator, and go there.

"Tit", I pressed 5th floor.
This elevator goes down, not up. It's set up like this because it's a secret place .

As the elevator opened, I went straight into the white room. That's my boss's room, Mr.adam....

"Hey, your mission is successful! Congratulations," Mr.adam said, slipping an envelope in my hand.
Shush. . That's a bonus, I'll smile.
"So .. what is Mr.adam's mission?" I asked, unceremoniously.

"Apparently you already know ya ?, so .. this new mission .." Mr.adam thrust a File.

"Our client this time is Mr.Chase, he's the director of a big company, he's been helping us all the time .. so make sure this mission runs successfully, or .. you know the consequences right ?" Mr.adam smirked.

"Mr.chase wants you to kill his girlfriend, because she  knows too many secrets about the Company, he  afraid that she will unravel the company secrets that he made."

"This is the biodata of the victim" he pointed at the file.
"Well thank you boss, I will carry out this mission as soon as possible" I said while taking the file .

I left the room, and went straight to the elevator.
Huftt .. this is ridiculous. Why should he kill his girlfriend for the sake of the company? . Wtf  .... Luke, why do you have to think about it, this is none of your business .

I opened the file. Theres written.

victim code : A2Z9
Name: Sally Ariel wousen
Age: 22
Female : gender
Blood goal: A +
Height: 165 cm

Ohh .. this victim is only 3 years different with me. I had no idea why the director of a big company have a very young girlfriend .

I saw her picture in this File.
She has long brown hair, wearing a red T-shirt, and her eyes. She have a dark blue eyes .

The elevator door opened, and I headed to my jeep.
"Did Boss give you a bonus?" Flo agent asked. "Of course hehehe, see you later Flo!" I laughed.

"Click" I closed my jeep door.

POV (Point Of View) : Sally

"Click" I closed my car door. I'm still very upset.  Chase and I had another fight last night.

These several days we have a lot of fights, he always makes a little problem  bigger

"Hello .. Sal? We're not leaving? We'll be late" said Jessi
Jessi is my best friend. "O-oh .. okay" I replied. I stepped on the gas and drove my car.

"So ... how you and Chase going ?" Jessi  asked .  "Worse" "he threatened  me" I replied.

"Huh? Threatening you what Sal ?"
I sigh , "That he gonna hurt me, I got scared jess, he's not Chase anymore"

"WHAT  ? OK be honest Sal do you still have the same feel with him ?" Jessi asked

I quiet .
Do i still have the same feeling with him ? . No . He's not Chase anymore.

Hm ..
" No Jes, I think .. I hate him now"

Sally : your Grammar is awesome !!
Me : Thankyou . I know that .
Me : So..  what do you think guys ? About my books 💕
Luke : don't forget to vote + Comment + Favorite + add to library 💕

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