1. New mission ?

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Attention : Very very very bad grammar .. Btw , thanks for read my book :D . Im so happy .

This book , start from now .

"A little to the right, to the left a bit .. and .."
The man was uprooted. I smile a little, at least I'm not taking care of this case again.

My job as a professional assassin is easy.

Well .. I have to leave before anyone can see me . I enter my Jeep, and step on the gas.

"Call 'Snakey' agent, please reply to this message", the voice on my car radio rang, it was a message from Lace, my agent's friend.

I answered "Yes what? The mission with the code 'A09Z' is done , i already killed him".

Yes .. my name as an agent is 'Snakey', I dont know why I chose that name, maybe it's a little sneaky impression, hehe.

Lace's voice was heard again "Yes I know it , but do you realize someone is stalking you from before? I can see it in my camera"

"WHAT" I gasped "H- how can that be?" . I look into the right rearview mirror, oh .. it's true. There's a black car behind my Jeep.

And .. After I noticed, Yep. Certainly he did follow me.
But calm down, it's a small problem. "It's easy 'Amigos' agent, I'll get over it soon," I told Lace on the radio.

"be careful Snakey's agent, he's carrying a gun, even though it's a regular gun but don't be underestimated," Lace said.
"You know, I'm very professional right ? ", I smile and drive with maximum speed.

The blackĺ car followed. Okay, my plan success
I also advanced my Jeep towards the Seattle River, the largest river in town. I know there is a steep, slippery plateau. I want to trap him there.

5mnt later, i reached the river. And ... I'm into that dangerous plateau. Yes I know .. this is not the lane of the car, and any vehicles that cross that road will fall into the deep Seattle river.

Including my Jeep.

My Jeep landed smoothly in the river. Ohh .. did I forget to say that my Jeep is not a regular one? Instead the Jeep will automatically float in the water like a boat.

"BASHHHH! !!" . I heard another splash . Yep! It's a Black car that follows me. I can see from my rearview mirror, Slowly he sinks. With this .. my mission is complete , yay me .

WHAT ? the car driver still alive? I can see he swims over the river. Urgg .. just annoying.
I'll take out my Soft gun . And .. "DOOR".

The driver was killed. My shot was smooth as usual, not arrogant. But my shot never missed.
With this, once again I say "My mission is finished".

"Agent Amigos, My mission is done" I told Lace, via radio. "Good work agent Snakey!, Oh .. Boss called you, he wanted to give you something" said Lace.

Ohh ... of course, he will give me a lot of Bonus, because my hard work i -

"Agent Snakey, if you think the Boss will give you a Bonus, you're wrong, but the Boss will give you a new mission"

"Ohh .. shit, new mission again ? , this one just finished a second ago" I said annoyed.

Yay for chapter 1 .
Luke : I want to shot you in the head . Your grammar are so bad .

Author : Shut up ! MM. . Just ignore Luke and his little jokes . Don't forget to Favorite + add to library + vote + Comment 💕 .

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