Chapter 11 - Choji

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Holy shiitake mushrooms, it has been a long while hasn't it. I feel so horrible for being gone for so long and I know a lot of the readers who had started this story have already left, and I really can't blame you guys. I have no excuse for my absence, I just couldn't find the inspiration nor motivation to continue this story. Even now as I write, I feel... I don't even know how to describe it. 

But thanks to you guys who messaged me, badgered me and continually asked me to continue this story (@girlwolf103 @t-max7 @darkyukionna @dejamatta among others), I've resolved to see this out to the very end. I hope you guys like this chapter and the others that are to come. I hopefully want to start a once a week update schedule until this is done so we'll see how it goes.

I'd recommend you read the last few chapters (or the entire book) to get back into the swing of things before you read this (that's what I did btw)

A more important AN will be at the bottom so stick around for that. Without further adieu, onto the story.


As the group trickled back into the room, Sasuke was one of the first to notice that the seating arrangements had returned back to the original setting. Behind him were Naruto, Shikamaru and Hinata. Lifting a suspicious brow, he peered over at his pink-haired teammate who had already taken a seat and she gave a weak wave in return.

"T-Take a seat Sasuke-kun... you too, Naruto," she invited. Her confidence faltered when the boys in question simply stood and stared at her offer. It was slightly unnerving how similar the two could be.

Naruto was the one to move first, with Sasuke quickly behind.

Team 7 were seated beside each other with Team 8 to their immediate right (Hinata ensuring she still sat immediately next to her future husband – and didn't that send a tingle done her spine) and the tension was almost palpable.

Before anyone could say anything, Choji made his way to the sealing array, quickly channeling his chakra to the seal before his confidence waned. As the room lit a brilliant blue, Choji took two steps back and prepared himself to see his future.

Stopping to eye the small black crow that circled overhead, Chouji Akimichi sighed heavily. The sky was a barren sea of blue – nary a single white cloud in sight – and the piercing sun made him feel as though he was a slab of meat on a spit roast, slowing being roasted to near perfection. He had changed a lot since his youth, allowing his hair to grow down to his shoulders and a neatly trimmed goatee adorned his face. He was a lot slimmer as well, with a lot of childhood weight turning to muscle. Despite that though, he was still a big man, a green jacket thrown over a grey shirt with the kanji for 'food' proudly displayed.

A proud smile on his face, Choza Akimichi clapped loudly at his son's image. "You'll grow into a strong young man, Choji. I'm proud to call you my son,"

"Indeed you did, Choji" Kurenai agreed and at her side, Asuma sent his student a quick thumps up.

Embarrassed, Choji ducked his head low, mindfully ignoring the stifled snickers of Naruto and Shikamaru.

Sweat dribbled down from his brow and he would have wiped it off had his hands had not been occupied. Continuing his trod home, the head of the Akimichi clan shouldered his heavy baggage he carried with another sigh.

"Man, I know Karui-chan wants everything to be perfect, but is this really necessary?" he grumbled to himself softly, mindful of the fact to keep his voice low. It would not be pretty for him if his wife was to hear him complaining about something she had asked him to do for her.

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