Chapter 1 - Naruto

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Disclaimer: Gregorybryce9 does not own any of the Naruto series. Thank you and enjoy.


It was a cool morning in the Konoha. The Great Ninja village hidden deep in the Land of Fire, surrounded by the massive trees that led to its name, was a picturesque scene of prosperity. The low cawing of birds as the flew overhead and the gentle breeze that carried the leaves to its will. The village had prospered throughout the years as many new buildings were erected since the day of the Honourable First Hokage.

"Wow... it really does show us the future. I can't believe it," Ino commented with an awestruck look on her face. The blonde rookie was not alone as many others around her had the same expression to match.

"This is an ingenious technique," Hiashi credited. Before this moment, he couldn't have fathom such a technique.

But he also saw the need to ban such a technique. The consequences were extreme.

In the village, persons could be seen walking along their merry way, a smile on their face and a jig in their step. But there was a collective set of individuals however that caught most persons' attention.

"Something tells me that Naruto is coming onto the scene soon enough,"

Various shinobi and civilian alike watched with barely concealed amusement as their stared at the hokage's monument. The large monument, which had the faces of the past hokages carved into the aide of a cliff, overlooked the entire village. Whenever one would look upon this monument, a strong sense of inspiration and pride would swell in their hearts of being apart of this family, the one that bared the Will of Fire.

But now, if someone were to look at the monument, they would guffaw at what had happened to the massive construct. Why, you may ask? Simple, the Hokage Monument had been defaced. Yet again.

Hiruzen could not help but sigh in exasperation at the blonde ninja who was sheepishly grinning with his hands at the nape of his neck.

"Baka!" Sakura shouted at her teammate, "Even when you've grown up you're still an idiot!" Sakura chastised.

"But... but... Sakura-chan, how do know it's even me?" Naruto pleaded in his defense. Sure that was something he would do, hell he had done it already.

"Of course it's you!" Sakura continued.

"Boruto really outdid himself this time," a civilian commented.

And with this statement, Sakura flushed in embarrassment at her previous statement while the blonde danced in his seat.

"I could only wonder what Naruto would say about this. Like father like son," another voice inputted.

And just like that, Naruto stopped dancing in his seat. His grin gone and a firm line set on his face. If he had heard right, then that meant...

"I HAVE A SON!?" the shinobi asked with eyes as wide as saucers.

"Troublesome... of course it would be your son who caused so much trouble... what a drag,"

Hanging from a rope, dangling in front of the hokage's monument, was a familiar mop of blonde hair. In one hand was a red paint bucket while in the other, a paintbrush. The boy was clad in black jacket with red accents left open to reveal a white undershirt. With black shinobi pants accompanied by black sandals, the figure was happily moving from one face to the next to next as he mercilessly graffiti the stone faces. The boy had blonde hair that was smooth along the length but spiky at the tips, resembling a leaf. Cerulean eyes sparkled with mirth and, not unlike his father, the boy possessed whisker birthmarks.

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