Chapter 2 - Sakura

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor any of the characters who appear in this story. All rights go to Kishimoto.


Sakura stood atop the sealing matrix that the Third Hokage had scribbled on the floor of his office. Clasping her hands together, she sent a pulse of chakra towards her feet and the seemingly random scribbles glowed blue before the seals on the wall once again glowed just like they had before. This time over, they presented a different scene...

A much older Sakura sighed as a black crow flew overhead, a soft caw echoing throughout the large backyard. The sun had reached its peak altitude in a clear sky. A soft breeze blew stray leaves in a restless dance in the wind, gliding lazily around the woman of the house.

Naruto, seeing a much older Sakura, blushed at the woman displayed in the projection. The adult version of his teammate was no doubt more beautiful than his pre-pubescent comrade.

"Wow Forehead! You grew up pretty nicely," Ino complimented her best-friend turned love rival. Sakura was about to say something back to Ino but the Yamanaka beat her to it, "But you still have that massive forehead!"

A large tic mark bulged on the pinkette's head at Ino's backhanded compliment.

"Shut it, Ino-pig!"

A sigh left Sakura's lips. She tilted her head to the left slightly, causing her chin-length pink hair to sway along her movements. Emerald eyes reflected a sense of longing for something. A form-fitting sleeveless crimson kimono dress hugged her body and stopped just below her knees. Thrown over all this was a white apron, hinting at domestic work. There was light sagging beneath her eyes, evidence to her work hours at the hours yet a light smile still adorned her lips. The kunoichi stood at respectable height of just over 160 cm. The last identifiable feature of the woman was the violet diamond mark in the middle of her forehead.

"Well... this is interesting," Kurenai remarked at the sight of the mark on Sakura's forehead.

"What is Kurenai-sensei?" asked the ever-shy Hyuga heiress, barely being able to utter the question. Who could blame her? Not only was she was in the presence of her father, but the Hokage and Naruto-kun of all persons was here as well. It was a miracle the girl hadn't fainted yet!

"She means the mark on Sakura's forehead," the Third had answered for the heiress, after all, it was his student who had created the technique. "It's called the Strength of a Hundred Seal. It is an incredibly powerful technique that can only be done by persons with perfect chakra control. In fact, the only person who has this mark is my student, Tsunade, one of the Sannin,"

All the members of the Konoha Twelve had their jaws on the floor. Sakura, the raging fangirl, had somehow replicated a technique known only to the strongest kunoichi. The future is really not what they expected. First Naruto was Hokage, then Sakura is super-strong. What next, the five countries have some sort of alliance.

Pfft! Yeah right!

"I think it goes without saying that Sakura managed to become Tsunade-sama's apprentice sometime in the future," Kakashi commented.

She continued what it was she was doing, namely, hanging wet clothes to dry in the sun. Executing the task while whistling a tune, she was unprepared for when the backdoor slid open and a dark-haired girl stepped outside. Coarse black hair styled in large bang that was swept to the left side and hair cut at the nape of the neck. The girl wore glasses, pink in colour, over coal eyes. The girl wore a dress similar to her mother', but where her mother's had no noticeable design, hers had a zipper that ran its length down the middle. The dress stopped mid-thigh to reveal white shorts. Knee-length socks led to kunoichi issue sandals.

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