Chapter 5 - Sasuke

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My last update hinted that the next future to be shown would be Sasuke's future and yes, this update is about Sasuke.

But... *hint hint* this is not the fight at the Valley of the End.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto because if I did, I would relaxing somewhere in Europe and not sitting at home typing a fanfiction.


Sasuke reached towards the matrix with a thousand questions whirling around in his head. What would the matrix show him? Would it be his death? Would he die at the hands of Itachi? If so, then how did he have a daughter with Sakura? Had Itachi allowed him to live that long only to rip him from his family and do to his daughter the same thing he had done to Sasuke? With that thought, a rare moment of protective rage filled Sasuke's being. Sarada might not be born yet, but the fact of the matter was that the girl was an Uchiha. HE wouldn't be alone anymore and though he never admit it out loud, based on what he had saw in Sakura's projection, the rosette on his team had made a great mother.

His feelings still jumbled, Sasuke channelled chakra to his feet, causing the sealing matrix to come to life with bright blue lights. Soon, the illegible scribbling of the matrix twisted and morphed into a screen and it burst to life revealing a much older Sasuke glaring angrily at something in the sky.

"Hmmmm... dark hair, check. Dark clothing, check. A permanent scowl on his face, check. Yep, that's definitely Sasuke-teme," Naruto commented a loud, miming a check list in his hand.

Sasuke glared back while the others snickered.

Sasuke Uchiha walked forward, a black cloak engulfing his frame. Slowly, he reached his right hand towards the collar of his cloak and with a slight flick of his wrist, the cloak was sent fluttering out in the breeze revealing a white vest thrown over a grey long-sleeved shirt. Grasped in his hand, was a sword. "Hn, guess we're doing this again," Sasuke said as another figure made its way beside him. It was a tall man, with short blonde hair spiked out. Three whisker marks on each cheek was his most unique feature as his orange and black jacket was left open to reveal a black undershirt.

"Hey look, it's me again... wait a minute... is this a fight?!" Naruto asked excitedly, large stars apparently bursting to life with in his eyes.

"Looks like we get to see the Seventh Hokage in action," Kakashi commented, and for once placing his orange book back into his pouch. He slipped his hand beneath the hem of his makeshift eye-patch/headband and revealed the feared dojutsu. This action caught the attention of the son of the Hokage.

"Oi Kakashi, don't you think that's a bit excessive?" Asuma asked, pausing as he began to lift a cigarette to his lips, ignoring the disapproving glare from the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha.

"Not at all," Kakashi stated his eyes never leaving the screen. "We're about to witness a fight of at least two Kage-level shinobi and if there is someone out there that requires both the Hokage AND one of his shinobi to fight, it's quite east to conclude that we're dealing with no ordinary enemy."

"You can say that again," Naruto commented as he closed the distance and stood shoulder to shoulder to Sasuke. "So... same thing as last time, Sasuke?" Naruto asked before he was engulfed in flames. His jacket became enshrouded by golden fire while his under shirt was pitch black with glowing magatama surrounding his neck. Black lines ran the length of his pants' seam and his eyes became burnt orange with a black cross settling where his pupil was.

"Sugoi!" Naruto exclaimed as he witnessed his older-self's transformation. "That's so cool!"

Meanwhile, the Third Hokage's lips were set into a thin line. He too was surprised by the sudden transformation but as a three time war veteran, he had seen much stranger things on the battlefield and was able to keep his surprise hidden. Now however, he had different thoughts. 'So, this is what the Kyuubi's chakra looks like under control,' he thought, before he nodded slightly. It seems Minato had made the right choice in entrusting his son with the strongest bijuu.

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