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5; busted

Eventually me and Zion fall asleep for a few hours. When I open up my eyes I see him standing at the end of the bed putting on a shirt. He doesn't know I'm awake yet. I slowly creep up on him and attack him with loads of kisses. He starts to tickle me. 


"Watchu wanna eat?"

"Idk, yall have some coffee?"

"Ye, it's over there."

As I'm making some coffee for myself, Z comes and hugs me from behind. He kisses and sucks on my neck. "Z.." I quietly say. "We just did it... Oh.." I feel him smiling against my skin. "I told you, Sky, I can't get enough of you. You're mine." I slowly nod. "Yes, I'm yours." I turn around to face him and we start making out. I jump into his arms and he pushes me against the wall still carrying me. He puts me down for a second, takes mine and his shirt off and we continue making out. I'm still wearing my bra but Zion is completely shirtless. We're both still wearing our pants.  I try unbuckling Zion's pants and he's trying to unbuckling mine. He slides his pants down and tries pulling mine down but I already jump back into his arms again. There we go again, making out against the wall, half-naked. He sucks on my neck and I moan. When we get back to making out I hear the kitchen door open. "OH MY GAWD, GUYS. IS A ROOM HARD TO FIND?! OMG GEE!" I quickly hop off Zion and we both look at Nick who has his eyes covered. "Whats going on?!" we hear Ed say and he's standing next to Nick in 0.1 seconds. "Oh my gawd, shit." he says and he turns around and walks away. Zi and I quickly take our clothes from the ground and get dressed. "Sorry." I say. Nick looks at me and scuffs. "Dude, I just came in here because I was hungry as fuck and I see this. Welp, my appetite is gone." he says and he walks away. I cover my mouth and try not to laugh and so does Zion. We can't help but burst out in laughter. 

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