Chapter Twenty-eight

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

By Sabrynabrooklynne

Chapter 28


"Now, Jessi, What I'd like to do is get a little personal. Can you talk to me about what your thoughts were when you learned those things about yourself during your last visit with Dr. Marcus?"

James paused, pondering the question. He gathered his thoughts then began to answer.

"Well, Doctor Yasmine, it's hard to accept not being normal, you know? Nobody wants to hear they were born with a birth defect, especially something like this. I mean, what boy ever wants to be told his penis is abnormally small and won't ever get any bigger or that he won't ever be able to father kids cause his balls didn't develop. And, I've never met a boy that wanted to have to deal with growing breast or the possibility of having to start living as a girl."

James nervously shifted his position on the couch, placing his legs in front of himself, crossing them at the ankles.

"I mean, that's just not normal stuff that a boy should have to deal with. Finding out that I was born with serious birth defects. Does anybody want to have to deal with knowing they are abnormal, deformed? And about these breasts, they may be little now, but the doctor said they'll get bigger and won't ever go away on their own, only with surgery. . ."

Dr. Camibal interrupted James before he could say any more. She wanted to further explore James's feelings about having breast. "Let's talk about that for a minute, how do you feel about having to deal with those?"

"It was kinda scary at first, actually it was really scary when I first noticed that I was growing boobs. Boys don't grow boobs, you know? I was scared to death. Freaked out, I tell ya. But then when mom told me It was just because I was overweight and they would go away as I lost weight, it helped to calm me down a little. After a couple months, I had gotten used to having them and it didn't bother me as much. Being overweight bothered me more and I was desperate to lose the weight."

"That's around the time you had the bike accident and your mom gave you the corset to wear. How did you feel about wearing something so girly?"

"I didn't really think about it being girly. I had never seen one before, besides mom told me it was for my ribs, to help like a bandage until they healed. Plus, it wasn't like it was covered in little flowers or lace trim or anything. It was very plain so I didn't think about it like that."

"Your mom told me that the only reason she gave it to you was to help support your ribs, but you found another purpose for it."

"I did, I discovered that if it was tight I was forced to eat less and it made me look skinnier."

"So, did you get teasing at school for wearing a corset?"

"I was excused from PE class because of my ribs being cracked, so no one knew I was wearing it."

"How did you feel when your mom decided it was time to take the corset? She said you didn't want to give it up. She says she even told you that if you insisted on keeping it you had to agree to wear girls clothes with it?"

"I was freaked out, at first, what boy wouldn't be? I couldn't believe my mom was suggesting I wear girl's clothes. I had thought about the idea before, you know, wondered what it would be like. I think all boys question that at least once. I also wondered if she had found out what Becca and I had been doing at her house when mom thought we were studying."

"And what was that?"

"Well this was the first girl I had ever been friends with and she was the prettiest girl in the school. I would have done just about anything to get to continue hanging out with her. When she said her mom wouldn't approve of a boy hanging around and that I would have to act like a girl whenever her mom was home I agreed to it. That's when she started teaching me to act, walk and talk like a girl. Once mom convinced me that I had to wear a dress for her in order to get the corset back, I knew it wouldn't be so bad."

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