Chapter Twelve

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by @sabrynabrooklynne

Chapter 12


The morning following their dinner, Carol awoke with a lot on her mind. She knew she would have to work fast and get her fall designs out ahead Veilheim if she was to be successful on her own. She got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Waiting for her coffee to brew, she went back over the list she had made before bed. Number one was to turn in her two-week notice.

The thought of having to tell Mr. Williams that she was leaving, made her nervous. She dreaded the moment she would do it but she knew it had to be done.

Once the coffee was brewed she poured herself a cup of "the nectar of the gods", and sat down at the computer in the living room, to start her resignation letter.

Just as she was putting the finishing touches on her letter, James stumbled down the stairs, still in his pajamas.

"Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

"Morning mom," James answered as he plodded into the kitchen for his own cup of coffee. "I did, although I was having quite a dream when I woke up this morning."

As he walked past his mom, Carol once again noted how increasingly easy it was becoming to tell when James was bra-less. This could only mean one thing; his breast, although still small, were growing.

After several minutes in the kitchen, James returned carrying a cup of coffee and a plate of steaming hot microwave waffles covered in warm maple syrup.

He sat down on the loveseat beside the computer desk, curled his legs up next to himself and inquired of his mom what the plan for the day was.

"Well," Carol answered, looking towards James and noticing the polish still on his toes, "I have a list of things we have got to start working on. Tomorrow, I will be turning in my letter of resignation to Mr. Williams. Today, we have to start working on my fashion show for the fall line. I'm going to need to get someone to help design the venue. First, though, I've got to find a venue. I've got to secure models, lighting, sound equipment, a DJ, an announcer, backstage assistants, chairs, a stage. . . Oh, yeah, photographers, I almost forgot that."

Carol picked up her pen and added photographers to the list. "I have also got to find a manufacturer to produce the clothes and I've got to get my designs to them."

"What about the stores, mom? Who's gonna sell the clothes once they are made," James asked before stuffing a syrup-drenched piece of waffle into his mouth.

'"Baby, through my time at Velheim, I have had contact with the purchasers for all the major chain clothing stores. Many of them have already told me they would carry my clothes if I ever went solo, and I'm well known with all the local stores around here too, so that's not an issue. What we need to start on this morning are the details of the fashion show."

"Mom, I'll do anything you need me to if it helps you to be successful," James reminded her.

He meant what he said, but he was still quite nervous because he knew that 'anything' could very well end up with him being a model for the show and he wasn't sure he could or was even ready to try to pull that off.

"I appreciate that James, I really do. There are some things that I could use your help with. Like I hinted at last night, the thing I need most from you is . . . Um, for you to, uh, to be a model in the show."

Carol could immediately see the idea made James nervous. She already knew he probably wouldn't feel comfortable with the idea, so she also knew she had to be prepared to do, within reason, whatever it took to convince him.

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