"Welcome back, Alex" she said with a soft and gentle voice, nurses checking the monitors and the doctor checking my vitals,"How are you feeling?" I tapped my throat and she had an understanding look on her face

"We're going to go ahead and take this off, okay? And when I tell you, I need you to breath through you let nose" she said and I nodded, and did what she said wincing as the plastic tub crawled up my throat before it was out. I swallowed wincing. It felt raw.

"Wa-water" I whispered and a nurse handed me a cup with water that I downed in seconds exhaling as the ache soothed away

"How you feeling?" Doctor Cordelli repeated

"Like I was hit by a train" I replied and she nodded

"It's understandable. You were in a car accident" she said

"How long have I been out for?" I asked and her smile dropped and I looked over to Riley who had the same expression

"Four months, well it would have been four months tomorrow" Riley replied and I swallowed the knot in my throat. Four months. I can't believe I was out for four months.

"Did you ever find out who was the person who rammed into us was?" I asked changing the subject because I didn't want to think about what I missed and he nodded

"Yeah. It was Justin" he answered and how did that not surprise me? He's been sending me threats ever since we met back in November during the football game.

"And did he get arrested?" I asked, and distinctively saw his mom leave the room with the nurses

"Yeah, he was arrested a day after the accident. He talked about it with his friend who was the one who turned him in" he said and I nodded but something tells me that's not the whole story

"What happened after that?" I asked and he ran his uninjured hand through his hair sighing

"He was found hanging in his jail cell the same night he was arrested" he answered and I blinked

"What?" I asked shocked

"He fucking committed suicide so he didn't have to face the justice system. He was due for court the day after the arrest, but now he's dead I don't think there'll a trial" he said and I sighed resting my dad back in the pillows.

I'm speechless. He killed himself just to scape getting sentenced for attempted murder.

"It's something he'd do. He always threatened in killing himself if he was ever arrested" Riley said with a dark chuckle,"I wish I had gotten my hands him first and killed him myself"

"What's done is done, Riley, we can't keep thinking about what he did. Like you said before, we need to put this behind us even if it'll take us time. Justin got his sentence. Live in hell" I said cupping his face with a hand and he closed his eyes before leaning down and resting his forehead against mine and I rubbed our noses together in an Eskimo kiss make him smile

"I really really missed you," he murmured

"I know, and I'm sorry for not coming back sooner" I whispered but he shook his head

"Don't be. You needed your time to heal. You took the most of the impact" he said looking at me with a soft look in his eyes, I was about to say something when the door flew open and the familiar sound of my parents, siblings and friends taking over each other filled the room making Riley chuckle as he moved back so I can be reunited with my loved ones even if they were being obnoxious as ever.

"Welcome to the world of the living" Ryder said and I rolled my eyes

"Fuck off" I mumbled making him chuckle

They went back to talking over each other make me roll my eyes

"One at a damn time" Dad said seeing my expression cutting everyone off mid-ramble.

"Thanks Dad" I mumbled and he nodded, so after they all asked how I was doing or what I thought about Justin commuting suicide, we lapsed into something less appealing and more appealing which was the last football game of the season

"We recorded the whole thing, Alex" Ryder said noticing my mood change and I smiled, he always found a way to cheer me up

"I'm proud of you guys. I knew you would end up winning" I said looking at the twins who grinned

"We're just happy you're okay" Casey said. They all stayed for a little longer before they were instructed by a nurse that visiting hours were over and to come back tomorrow as I needed to rest. We said our goodnights with them all kissing or patting my foot on the way out.

"You'll be moved to recovery tomorrow morning, so why don you get some rest?" Riley asked as he wheeled himself to my side.

"What about you? Why don't you go to your room and get some rest?"

"I'm already in my room" he replied and I frowned making him smile

"I asked to be moved here so I cooed be close to you in case you woke up" he explained and I nodded

"You're the best you know?" I murmurs as sleep began to drag me away

"And only for the best" he retorted making em chuckle before wincing,"are you okay?"

The way his eyes grew wide in panic made my heart swell in my chest. He was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me.

"I'm okay. I just think that I need to lay off laughing for a bit" I murmured before yawning

"Get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up" he whispers running his fingers through my hair

"Love you" I mumbled as my eyes began to close

"Love you too, baby"

an here's a new chapter, you saw Riley's POV on the previous chapter about them being in a car accident and I and to fast forward on Alex's POV but you'll be seeing everything that happened while he was in coma through Riley's eyes in the next update. Anyway let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan

QOD: what are your thoughts on Justin taking his own life instead of facing the consequences of his actions? If he hadn't committed suicide, what should have been his sentencing?



It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant