Chapter 12

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~ 3 weeks later ~

"Dyl, what are you nervous about? You're going to do amazing!" I told him, pressing the phone to my ear with my shoulder and opening my car door. "I believe in you. One thousand percent." I told him truthfully. "How do you believe in me more than I believe in myself?" he asked. I started up my car before answering. "Because I know that you have the passion, talent and potential to do big things." I answered. I could almost feel him grinning through the phone. "You're amazing, Katy." was all he said.

"No I'm not. I'm just honest."

"Babe, I've gotta go. Running lines with Julia. You're coming by later on, right?"

Dylan's family and I had arranged a small barbecue as a congratulations and good luck for his first big audition in only two days. Tomorrow, he leaves and the next day is his audition. I'm so very excited for him. At times I think I'm even more excited than he is. Maybe that's because he doubts himself, but I believe in him. He deserves this.

"Of course!" I answered, "Yeah, I'm picking up a few things for your dad and then I'm coming by straight afterwards." I told him.

"Great, see you soon!"

I half expected him to say I love you, but when the line ended, I knew that he wasn't going to. Which was okay, I mean, I know that I care about him, but love? Maybe. I pulled into the Walmart parking lot with the three words swirling around in my head. Quickly, I pushed them out and focused on what I needed to get: hamburgers, hotdogs, buns and drinks for the cooler. I threw my sunglasses in my purse and then began, gathering everything in a basket and then going in line to check out.

"Barbecue?" The guy asked as he scanned the items. He looked about my age, maybe in his early twenties and his eyes were a bright hypnotizing blue. "Yeah, just a small get together." I smiled at the guy and pulled out my credit card. He quickly swiped it and gave it back to me. I grabbed my bags, thanked the guy and then pushed the basket into the parking lot. Then I loaded the bags into my trunk and headed over to Dylan's place.

When I got to his house about ten minutes later, he was on the front porch with his sister, Julia. He immediately jogged over to greet me with a kiss and then helped me with the grocery bags, leaving me with only the bags with buns in them. "My dad's already heating up the grill so we should just bring the bags around the back." he explained. I nodded and followed him around the back of the house.

"There's our Katy Kat!" I heard Mrs. O'Brien say when we'd reached the backyard, making my laugh.

"I've come bearing groceries." I announced as Dylan and I sat down our bags on the picnic table.
"My beautiful girlfriend picked up everything you asked for, plus more drinks." he explained. I blushed as he kissed my cheek and then playfully slapped his chest. "You're crazy." I giggled as I helped him load the drinks into the cooler. "When will everyone start showing up?" I asked, and then grunted as I lifted up a case of Pepsis. "Whoa there Kates, don't hurt yourself." Dylan took the case from me effortlessly, chuckling. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Well, it's two thirty now, so probably in about thirty minutes unless they're early." Mr. O'Brien answered, standing from his lawn chair to get started on the food.

"I'm going inside, I haven't put on any sun tan lotion yet." I announced. "Oh, we've got some upstairs, I'll help you." Dylan followed me inside and slid the patio door closed. We went upstairs together to grab his lotion, chatting about how hot it is outside today. "Here let me get your back." he said when I had finished rubbing it on my arms and legs. "Oh! Thanks." I stood up from his bed and passed the bottle over to him. His large hands massaged the lotion into my shoulders and back, accessing every inch easily because of the long brown ponytail that hung just down to my neck. "I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow." he quietly said after a moment of silence. His hands left my back and I heard the cap on the lotion bottle shut. "I wish you could come with me. I think I'll miss you more than I thought."

Metal Chains {Dylan O'Brien}Where stories live. Discover now