Entry 13

438 18 1

Anna was singing, yet, again. It was funny. She's like, it gets a little lonely, with all these empty rooms...just watching the hours tick by. I didn't know we had so many empty rooms, but so much could've changed in the three years.

Hmm, I've never noticed my celling. It's white. A boring white if you ask me. I'll ask Papa to paint it, maybe blue? Or pink, Anna's most favorite color, unless it changed. I'm bored. Are other kids bored as often as me? Nah, they aren't stuck in their rooms, not even getting to see anyone but your parents.

Oh how I long to be Anna. No bad powers. It still haunts me, what the troll said. I don't remeber exactly what he said, but something like: Your power has beauty, but it hold very dangerous powers. Control it. Fear is your worse enemy ever. You must avoid it. It can kill you. Hehe, I think the last parts aren't real, but I can't erase the words. Hahahaha, oh I haven't laughed in a long time.

- Elsa☆

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