Entry 52

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All I could do was not panic. Don't panic. Just don't panic. Anna is fine. The snow on the ground... I'm sure it'll melt. I heard noise and went down to see what it was.

"The Queen." Someone yelled.

"Up there! Come on!"

"No, Please." I ran. The came up, circling around me. "Stay away!"

"Fire! Fire."

"Get her! Get her!"

I had shot my magic out, impaling the one man. He wasn't dead though. The other man came up and I shot an ice wall at him, pushing him back to my balcony, ready to push him off completely

To leave me alone.

"Queen Elsa!" Someone yell. I ignored him.

"Don't be the monster they fear you are." That stopped me. I don't want to be a monster. I look at the person speaking.


I stopped pushing the icewall. Suddenly I heard a click. My ice chandelier was falling. I tried running but it was useless.


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