36. Make Me Forget!

Start from the beginning

                "Stop it...shut up...just shut up. You will never understand me isn't it. You are right you'll always hurt me. Why can't you see...? Why don't you understand? There was a time I wanna kill you cold blood, but you showed your immense love and brought our relationship to where we are now... Today I wanna come close to you.... to your heart but you are pushing me like a mad man.

       Are you out of your mind? Can't you see the change in me or you are trying to make me confess my feelings. If you tried then its a very bad way of making me spill my heart out Arjun because like always you hurted me badly.

       You raping me was the scene I wanna delete from my skull box, I wanna live a normal happy life but you suddenly pulled that topic again and make me hate myself again and again.

               Do something... Tell me how I wanna be, I will be like that. How I wanna talk, walk, feel, tell me everything. Program me like a Robot... I'll do it, but stop speaking rubbish like killing you and all  because I lo-

                You know what? You don't deserve my confession. I'm not gonna express anything by words from now on Arjun. We have crossed that stage in our life. We are husband and wife moreover we are parents now.

        You have to understand me, my actions. I know you are not that dumb. So hereafter, think whatever you want I'm not gonna explain me.  If you think I love you, stick to that point and live with me. If you think I still hate you leave me and my daughter alone because I'm not ready for another heartbreak... I have to be strong for my baby.

             And concerned with your apologies... I cannot forgive you Arjun. What you have done to me wasn't worth forgiving, it's a sin. That sin of our life remain unchanged whatever happens. But I wanna forget it....erase that day of my memory. It's possible only if you co-operate if not.... Then go to hell." I screamed top of my lungs and felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me fall back on my bed.

               "Siya....Siya are you ok? I'll call the doctor." With that he left to call the doctor. She came and told me to rest, thank god nothing serious.

           He laid beside me a way more close to me and slowly pulled me to his arms... "Leave me, and make your mattress down. I don't wanna sleep with you." I told him but my body wasn't in my favor, it already found its way over him and my face buried deep into the crook of his neck. I held his shirt in a tight grip as my life dependent on him, which I don't know why?

                    He smiled kissing my forehead " I will sleep here with my wife and daughter because I- " told him but We both turned to the sudden cry of our daughter. He patted her for a while then she  slept peacefully unaware of her blizzard surroundings a minuit before.

                 Arjun cupped my face, looked into my eyes for a second then his eyes traveled to my grip on his shirt, I was about to remove my hand but he held it and told me "  because I understood, Actions speaks more than words." He kissed my nose and we both drifted off to a deep slumber forgetting all our flaws hoping a better tomorrow.

            I was expecting a peaceful night since my little devil came out of me, So finally I could sleep. But all my thoughts went on vail since she cried for every two hours throughout the night for milk and I like a good mother took care of her.

     I know, I couldn't sleep for the next few months but I don't care I'm happy. Anything for my little devil. Arjun didn't leave us for a second we divided our responsibilities... Feeding her was mine which he cannot even think, making her burp and putting her to sleep was his.

      I didn't know what my life holds for me but today, this minuit, this second.... I'm happy.


Ajay's POV:

            "What? Arjun's child is born." I was shocked when Karthik told me.

                     "But when?" I barked at him.

         " Today evening Boss... It's a girl." replied Karthik.

            "Aww... So now he's blessed with a daughter. Pass me that Calender " He passed me the calender hanging on the wall.

     "Well, its quiet a good day... My mom used to say girl child brings love and prosperity to one's life. But according to me girls are only designed to f***k , Hahahahah! " I told making Karthick laugh along with me.

            "Anyways if my mom was correct, how can I let Arjun get love and prosperity in his life...Na Na Na! Get ready my newborn baby, uncle is coming for you." I envisioned my plan.

         "Karthik, today is Arjun's daughter birthday but tomorrow should be her death day. I'll make that s*** Siya regret rejecting me, And Arjun... he'll commit suicide, I know he'll do it because he can't stand the fact of losing his daughter. Make arrangements." I told Karthik my plan and instructed him to execute it.


Assalamu allaikum and hello to all my lovely readers.

        How was the chapter? What do you think of Siya's outburst? What will Ajay do? Do you think Arjun could save his small little family? Let me know in the comments

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-Yours Sajal 😎

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