Chapter 26 - 'Are you on your period or something?'

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and I made my way into the restroom. I took the quickest shower of my life because my stomach started sounding like a dying whale, and I knew that if my stomach kept it up, someone would barge in here to make sure that I was okay and that there was nothing happening to me.

I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my head. I stepped out of the shower and started to pull my clothes on one by one. As I finished, I heard my phone ringing in my room. I rushed out of the restroom and barged into the room. I ran to my phone and put it to my ear without checking who was calling. "Hello?" I asked breathlessly.

"Um, Hannah? This is Luca. Are you busy right now?" He asked, his voice sounding uneasy.

"Um, yeah yeah I'm fine. Why would I be busy?" I was trying to catch my breath, but it wasn't easy. I almost slipped out there, and that scared the crap out of me!

"Well, you sound a little breathless, so I wasn't sure if-"

Immediately I knew where this was going. My face burst into flames and I shook my head quickly, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "No, no, no! That is not what is going on right now! I promise you anything I am not doing that!" I said, feeling my face growing hotter and hotter by the second. I heard his chuckle from the other line. "Oh okay. Just making sure. Well, have you thought about another date?"

My mouth started opening and closing so much, I was sure that I resembled a fish. "Um, well... I didn't really have the chance to think about it. The second I got to the hotel, I went to sleep. I barely woke up like half an hour ago." I rambled. He laughed and said, "You do know that it's twelve thirty right now right?"

I huffed. "Yes, I am very well aware of that. But sleep is just so amazing, I can't skip it." I said, a matter-of-factly. "I'm sure that is true. Well when you think of an answer, just call me and tell me okay?"

I nodded and silently cursed when I remembered that he couldn't see me. "Right. Okay I will." I promised. Right at that moment, my stomach decided to make the loudest sound that I've ever heard. My cheeks burst into flames again and I held my stomach. "Oh gosh..." I could hear him laughing from the other line and I glared at the wall, imagining Luca's face imprinted there. "Stop laughing." I muttered full of embarrassment. "S-sorry. That was j-just too pr-priceless! Oh my gosh!"

I rolled my eyes, a scowl fixated on my face. "Goodbye Luca." I said, hanging up before I could hear anything else. I was about to put my phone down when I felt it vibrate in my hands. I unlocked it and opened the message.

Luca: 'I'm sorry. Forgive me?'

I let out a laugh and shook my head. That boy is surely something else.

Me: 'I don't know. Maybe.'

The second I sent the message, he replied instantly. I was shocked at his speed of texting. I opened it and laughed at what I saw.

Luca: 'You know you want to forgive me. You can't stay mad at me forever.'

Me: 'If I show up for the date tonight, then you'll know if you're forgiven. But if I don't, then you're not forgiven. Simple as that.'

Luca: 'But that involves waiting! I'm not a very patient person!'

I chuckled silently and shook my head.

Me: 'Well then looks like it'll be time to learn. Good luck.'

I turned my phone on silent so that I wouldn't hear my phone if he texted. I was about to set it down on the nightstand, but I heard someone clearing their throat and I jumped in surprise, throwing my phone in the air. It hit the floor with a thud and I shrieked in horror. I whipped my head to see who was standing there, and I saw Noah there with an amused look on his face. I glowered at him in return. "Noah, you scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here?" I asked.

He went from a smile on his face to glaring at me in seconds. "I just came to tell you that we're about to leave soon. Be ready in five." He walked out after that leaving me standing there confused as hell.

What is wrong with him?


"Oh my gosh guys, look at that!" Melissa squealed for the thousandth time today. I groaned silently in my head and plastered on a fake smile. "That's so cool." I gushed. Melissa scowled at me. "You didn't even see it Hannah." She rolled her eyes and moved on to something else that she could gush about. I sighed and went to go look for a bench that I could sit on and rest my feet.

I plopped on the bench and sighed in relief. "Oh man, this feels so good." I took my shoes and started rubbing them to soothe the pain.

We've been walking for four hours without stopping, and my feet were absolutely killing me. I looked up and saw people looking at me with disgusted looks on their faces. "What are you looking at?" I snapped, feeling more moody than usual. They looked away and scurried off. I snickered quietly and threw my head back.

I felt someone's presence next to me so I popped an eye open and turned my head to see Noah sitting there, staring straight ahead and avoid eye contact with me. I cocked my head to the side and turned my body so that I was facing him more. "Hi?" I said, even though it came out more like a question.

"Hey." He said with no emotion. He didn't even turn or smile or anything. All he did was say a simple hello and that was it.

"Okay Noah, what is up with you? Yesterday you were all happy and everything, and then all of a sudden today, you're in a really bad mood. Are you on your period or something?"

I hadn't expected him to answer, so when he did, my eyes widened in surprise.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He said, brushing it off. I scoffed. "Don't worry about it? How can I not worry about it when you're constantly glaring at me all day long?" He faced me and rolled his eyes. "Come on. Don't over exaggerate. I wasn't glaring at you all day long. Besides, it doesn't matter anyways. Just go back to Luca and be happy. Whatever. I don't care." He huffed, facing away.

A smile broke out on my face as I realized what was wrong. "You're jealous Noah." I pointed out. His cheeks reddened and he whipped his head side by side violently. My smile grew bigger and bigger as I realized that I was right. "Oh my gosh you are! You're jealous!" I clapped my hands together happily. I made Noah jealous by going out on a date with Luca!

I giggled uncontrollably and I couldn't stop smiling. He whipped his head in my direction and glared. "Shut up. I am not jealous. What is there to be jealous of anyway?"

I knew he was lying so I chuckled and poked his cheek. "You're lying Noah. You are jealous." I teased. He glowered at me, but I saw the faint pinkish tint in his cheek, so I chuckled loudly. "It's fine Noah. Everyone gets jealous."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, everyone but me." I looked at him pointedly and he threw his arms up in defeat. "Okay, alright! I was jealous okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I have dignity you know. It's not like everyday a guy is going to admit that he is jealous." He stood up and started walking away. "Wait!" I called out after him, trying to put my shoes on in a rush. "Wait for me Noah!" I scrambled up from the bench and ran after him. When I caught to him, I pushed his shoulder. "Why didn't you wait for me?" He shrugged without looking at me. "Don't know."

I sighed, but let a smile slip onto my face. I made him jealous. I made Noah jealous. I made Noah Stone jealous.

Wait until Natalie hears about this.



Hey guys! Well, here's an update!

Isn't Noah just so darn cute ?

Please Vote and Comment! Pretty pretty please?



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