Her set consisted of beautiful oak tiles along with a small comfortable looking chair that sat right next to her desk. This chair is where her guest sat every week.

"She is our shows youngest guest at only 17 years of age, but just because she is young don't think she can't show even the best basketball players on the planet a thing or two!" Gabby continued as she bragged about lauren.

"She is the number one high school player in the country folks. Not a town, not a city, not a state, the entire COUNTRY!" Gabby said in a bubbly tone.

"I'd like to welcome to the stage. LAUREN JAUREGUI!" Gabby finally finished her introduction as she motioned for lauren to walk out on the set.

The basketball player smiled towards the audience as she walked out and sat on the chair next to Gabby's desk.

"Welcome to the show lauren." Gabby said as soon as lauren sat down holding her hand out towards her at the same time.

Lauren quickly accepted the handshake. "It's a honor to be here Gabby." She replied with a smile trying to calm down her nerves which were causing her to shake a bit.

Gabby gave the girl an amused look before she looked towards the crowd. "She is so nervous guys, you should feel her shaking. it's cute" Gabby teased causing lauren to blush not expecting Gabby to expose her.

A few females in the audience could be heard awww'ing while the rest laughed at the nervous teenager.

"I'm just teasing. Relax lauren please, I want you to be comfortable." Gabby told the basketball player with a calm smile.

Lauren nodded her head as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.

"Well lauren to start off the show we are going to have three audience members ask you their own questions. After that I will ask you some as well. Is that alright?" Gabby questioned her guest.

"That's fine." Lauren answered having calmed down enough to stop her excessive shaking. Being on set was much different than being on a basketball court.

"Alright now who wants to ask lauren the first question?" Gabby asked the audience.

Immediately hands flew up and "Pick Me"s could be heard from the crowd causing lauren to give a nervous chuckle she had no idea what kind of questions they planned to ask.

Lauren couldn't help, but think to herself why she had actually agreed to do this. She thought it would be better than having reporters hounding her everyday, but this was nerve wreaking.

"Alright you there." Gabby finally pointed out a male member of the audience.

Philip the camera man quickly made his way towards the man and handed him a mic so that everybody could hear him.

"Say your name before you ask your question." Gabby informed the man who was smiling uncontrollably clearly surprised that he had actually been picked.

The audience member shook his head showing that he understood has he put the mic up to his mouth. "Hello, my name is john! Let me say I'm a big fan of yours lauren!" The man who didn't seem to be much older than lauren introduced.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you john." Lauren replied with a smile.

"My question is do you plan to attend college after high school and if you do what college do you plan on attending?" John questioned lauren.

A few claps could be heard showing that audience members were happy with his question since they wanted to ask the same.

Lauren had to resist rolling her eyes, this was the question she knew for a fact was going to be asked.

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