"Whatever you say" I rolled my eyes and handed the girl my gloves "let's keep going" she put on the gloves and stared at them

"I'm sure you're going to need this once we arrive in Dendemille Town... for what you did for me, taking care of those guys and give me back my freedom, I'll be more than grateful to offer my thanks by buying you clothes fit for the weather"

"That's random of you, but I already got clothes that can fit a mile long walking closet" she giggled

"I believe you, but you don't have anything made for winter. There's snow up ahead and it gets really cold really fast"

"I'm good for now" Calem shrugged "until we get there, let's wear regular jackets until then" I nodded and took out my designer jacket and offered one to the girl

"For me as well?" She gasped amazed "oh my... this is so beautiful! It's really warm as well" she thought for a moment while putting it on "I never gave you my name, have I?"

"You haven't"

"Well then, my name is Rebecca! I'm known as the memory girl who works with the police for investigation. Because I knew what happened back in Lumiose, I couldn't put myself to be part of it"

"You admired me that much?" She nodded quickly

"Yeah! I do! And because those guys got what they deserved. You... killed the rest of them, didn't you?" I just stared at her "normally something like this should scare me, but I know what kind of person you are. I'm not scared" she nervously glanced at Calem staring down at her like a weakling "b-but I am scared of..." I looked at Calem and slapped his face to move him

"Stop staring, idiot" he laughed and nodded

"Sorry" he offered his hand to Rebecca. She looked at him surprised "will you accept my apology? I'm just very protective of my girl" I glanced away, knowing beating him won't make him stop saying that

Rebecca was nervous about his offering, but took his hand anyways and shook it "I know how much you care about Sophia. It's unhealthy enough, but I know you won't hurt her. You try to be a kind person, you pretend to be normal, but your heart is cold. I know enough from that single touch from a bit earlier, and even I know you can't change unless a specific something is given to you" Calem looked surprised, slowly releasing her hand and looked down at himself "even if I don't know what it is, I believe there's potential, you two will be okay" she smiled "you two are meant for each other!" Something ran down my nose. She laughed and took a tissue out of nowhere and gave it to me, showing me that it was blood coming from my nose. How embarrassing...

"What are you? A therapist?" Calem looked in doubt

"I'm only stating facts and my opinion" she gently took my hand "come on! Dendemille town is still a bit further on! You'll know when the temperature drops!"

"O-okay..." I still don't see how I've gotten myself so many admirers... I feel like Rebecca can be another Shauna, or another Serena with their admiration towards me. I sighed and let her drag me around the route without saying a word

The further we walked, the colder it was getting. Though it started off cool, it gotten to a point where our jackets weren't enough

"Told you it was going to get cold! Don't worry, I'll buy you guys proper attire" Rebecca said

"No thanks" Calem and I said together. We looked at each other before speaking again "I got money" I glared at him for saying what I was going to say while he just laughed. Rebecca lead us to the entrance of the town, which immediately build up with a snow storm

"Come on! The Pokémon center is right over there!" Calem and Rebecca said, both pulling on my hands. They suddenly started glaring at each other for some reason "come on!" Both of them rushed me into the Pokémon center and were both out of breath. I brushed off the snow off my jacket and looked around to see a tiny shop with large coats on sale

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن