The Accidental Kiss

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“So, I suppose you’re still angry that I won you at that arcade game?” Greyson raises an eyebrow at me.

“One does not simply beat the amazing Ira at an arcade game!” I scoff in a teasing sort of way, as I lick my frappucino and caramel topped Starbuck’s milk cream shake and ice cream.

“Your skills are leaving you, my old madam!” Greyson giggles at me as he licks his frappucino and STRAWBERRY topped Starbuck’s milk cream shake and ice cream.

“Hey, knock it off, GRACIE,” I sing as I knuckle-punch his shoulder. It’s a personal joke between me and him. Well, a joke for ME, I must say. Greyson, Gracie, can you hear the similarity? Plus, Gracie’s this annoying girl that fangirled over him in middle school. Luckily, she moved away and out of Greyson’s life.

As I sip the last of my heavenly blissful shake/ice cream, Greyson heads over to the balcony. It is a beautiful night; despite the bright array of lights staged by the buildings of New York, the stars are still visible in the sky, twinkling  at us, as if it is planning something cheeky. The lights gleam on the river and it’s like the lights are dancing on it. Greyson leans over the balcony coolly, and I take a moment to take in his face. He’s looking sideways and his brown hair ruffles a bit by the wind. His pale complexion shines against the dark, starry background and his beautiful, round eyes twinkle, just like the stars. He really is an angel from heaven, so down-to-earth (get the irony?) and friendly. He’s  just like a fun, carefree kid... like me. Many teen stars his age get soaked up by the fame and fortune, and they soon lose their identity and childhood. They slowly become puppets and evolve into adults, never quite capturing the magical wonders of childhood.

I suddenly release a breath that I didn’t realise I was holding. Greyson just captures people’s breath like that.

“I... I’m glad I met you,” I say to Greyson, somehow shyly although I’m a super tough cookie. But it’s getting awkward.”You’re a great friend”  I think I just friendzoned the guy of my dreams.

“Oh, so the orange queen is finally giving in to the mighty king something” Greyson laughs, but his laugh is gentler this time. He looks into my eyes and we make eye contact for a moment there, and a warm, fuzzy feeling tugs at my heartstrings.

“Uh.. Like, I mean, no way! Still bet you can’t beat me at a million other things!” I look away awkwardly. Gosh, why am I being so shy all of a sudden? Greyson looks away too, as he puts his hand behind his neck awkwardly.

“Oh yeah? Well I can beat you anyday!” Greyson taunts back.

“Yeah, you’re talking,” I retort sarcastically.

“Well, Imma go and finish up my shake. Got a bit left,” Greyson says before turning to get his shake/icecream.

“Hey, I’m going to have it!” I run back to the table as Greyson starts to make a run for it.

I grab the shake before Greyson does and I hold it up in the air, like it’s some prized posession. Greyson, being taller than me, try to grab it, but I cunningly move it behind my back and take about two steps back. As I do, I hit the fountain and Greyson grabs my wrist just in time. He pulls me up before I could fall in the fountain and as he does, he pulls a little too much and our lips touch...

I am surprised by this sudden feeling, and I’ve never, ever kissed before. I close my eyes and my face flushes hot and I blush uncontrollably as my heart starts to beat harder as I could feel my temples pounding. MY FIRST KISS!!! AND IT’S WITH GREYSON!!! I cannot imagine how I can suppress the million emotions I am feeling, all building up inside me like a bubbling cauldron. Although the kiss does not last for more than a mere three seconds, as we gently - HEAR ME, GENTLY- pull away, I slowly open my eyes as they gaze into the brown, warm eyes of Greyson. I realise my hand, which he pulled, is interlocked with his, and while my other hand is holding the shake/ice cream, HIS other hand is firmly but gently placed on my back!I felt so uneasy and girly,so I felt jittery and had freaking butterflies in my tummy. This feeling was uncomfortable. Like a period.

Our gaze holds only for a moment, and then we let go of each other. I, although excited and flushed red with the kiss, try not to show my utter joy,  and I simply say, “Uh.. Thanks for um... saving me, I guess? From uh, falling into the sea WAIT I mean uhm fountain. Yeah. Uh thanks. But you coulda saved me better. I was like, you know, this close to falling on you and possibly cracking your ribs.” He just flashes a sheepish smile and says, “And the egotistical orange queen is back.”

I notice that Greyson’s cheeks are flushed too and they’re a rosy pink! OHMYGOD. Does he feel the same way that I do? Like uneasy, awkward,shy and shit? He tries to speak, and finally manage, “Well, we didn’t kiss right? Yeah, we didn’t. We uh almost did, and that would've been awkward.”

I smile and am finally able to look Greyson in the eye. He smiles back too, and I blush. I try to toughen up and punch him in the shoulder. As usual, he cringes from the aftereffects of my punch. “Well, uh... it’s getting late. Do you want to go home?” Greyson asks. “Says the boy who told me the first time we met ‘This is new york. You'd be stupid to go home at like 10,” I say sarcastically.


“Captain America 2?”

“You bet! Last one to get to the limo is a smelly sock!”

I punch Greyson again before running to his limo and laughing like a hyena all the way. If he asks, I’m not going to tell.

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