Open Your Mind And Set Your Heart Free

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“The orange was so uncalled for. Do you hate me or what? It just had to hit on my head eh?” Greyson asks.. “What can I say if the orange wanted to attack you?” I say mischeviously. “You’re on weird kid Ira. You really are. Say, why don’t we go for a drive around New York? I’ll be your tour guide for the night!” He says and flashes a dazzling smile. I just blurt out, yes. Then I realise I have parents who’d call the FBI,CIA,SWAT and pretty much everyone who can track me down if I came home late. I have to rely on something I never thought I could rely on. “Let me just tell my idiot brother,” I said. “Hey punk, I need a favour and I’ll do your dishes for 2 weeks if you say yes.” He says, “Make it 3 and i’ll listen” I roll my eyes and says, ” “I wanna stay out a little longer I know I’m supposed to ask you to pick me up and go home at like 10.45 but the concert just ended and I wanna stay out longer. Like till...” I asked Greyson how long it’d take and he says probably 2 hours. ”...12. So tell mum you’re bringing me around NYC and stay outta the house till I tell you to go home.” “Oh that’s all? I was gonna stay out and make you go home on your own anyway. Looks like I got myself 3 weeks of no dishes for no loss.Have fun and don’t get molested.” I just scoff and hang up the phone. “My god, you kids really have a weird convo,” says Greyson. Yeap, phone was on loudspeaker. Again. “Yeah. That’s what you get when you have a 20 year old man child buffalo for a brother.” He smiles and takes me to his limo.

“Is this a car or a heaven? There’s food, T.V., food and everything in here.” I gasp in awe of Greyson’s limo. He laughs and replies, “It’s amazing isn’t it?” The chauffeur is staring at me and my pants. “Eyes up here bro,” and I pointed to my adorable face. ”Damn, my sexy legs get too much attention.” Greyson laughs at my huge ego and tells the chauffer that I am a safe child and then they both laugh at my ego and we start to drive around NYC. I am focusing more on the food than anything else. Greyson is trying to start a conversation and starts asking me questions and I just reply with a mouthful of food, ”I’m sorry what? Your car has more food than my whole house.” He giggles and asks me about my school life and stuff. ‘Yeah I hate math. I hate school. It sucks waking up in the morning expecting to fail at some shit out there. Then again, there’s the high as the skies’ expectations. Don’t think I’m good at my studies just cos I’m Asian bruh. Plus I never finish my homework. So yeah. But friends are great.” I say. He just giggles and says with a tinge of regret and sadness in his voice,  “I kinda forgot how that feels like. I’m homeschooled now you see. You’re like the only normal, not famous friend I had in awhile.” “Should I feel honoured for being regarded as Greyson Chance’s friend or should you be happy you found someone as amazing as me? I mean everybody loves me, I’m a bundle of sunshine and adorable-ness.” I say, almost gagging on my own words. I am more like a hot mess with swag and cool rather than cutesy sunshine girl. Greyson read my mind and says, “You are no sunshine girl. You bright up people’s lives but you’ve got marks on your arms. You cut yourself don’t you?You’re kinda like a hot mess with an ego and swag.” I am so wishing I had my jacket to cover those ugly scars. I’ve been putting creams and shit to get rid of them but they're still there but much more faint. I am not  expecting him to notice them. I try to change subjects but he sees how hurt I looked and asked me why. I just stare like some lost lamb. I didn’t know what to say. He knew I didn’t want to talk about it. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m not close enough to know all these and you don’t want to talk about it.” I just say...


“I never talk about these to anyone. But I cut sometimes to help myself cry. I need to get things out to get things straight. So I just pick something sharp and do it. I work hard for shit like math tests and exams but i end up failing. And I feel so stupid. I just cut myself.There. I said it.” she says on the verge of tears. I go up next to her and hug her. “I wasn’t going to cry though. I’m cool like that.”  she says. “Of course you are. Let’s drive you back home. Don’t let things get to you. You need to open your heart and set your mind free. Talk to someone if you have problems. Don’t cut.” I say in a soft gentle voice holding her hands. I look dead straight in her eyes and I feel like there is something between us...

I stare into her chocolate brown eyes a second too long and she's making monkey faces at me. This kid. We reach her hotel and I tell her to stay in the car until her brother comes and I realise that I am staying in the very same hotel for two weeks. While she was talking to her brother on the phone, I kept telling myself not to have feelings for this girl. Not even a feeling a close friend would have. She’ll go back to Singapore in two or three weeks time. I can’t afford to feel for this girl. No. Seems that her older brother borrowed a motorbike from his friend to get around New York with his homies. Her brother comes soon and we have to part. I tell her to call me and meet me at the lobby at 10 if she could. Although I didn’t want to spend too much time with her, she is the first friend I made in some time who isn’t a celebrity or a stalker or obsessed with my fame and stuff. She seems normal. I thought she was like every other fan girl. But she’s more of a friend now. We part ways and I go to my hotel room. I fall asleep thinking about her and the possibilties of what morning would bring.

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