I'm Locked Out

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The next morning, I open my eyes just as sunlight is streaming through the window. I feel alarmed suddenly, but then I realise I'm in New York. In New York. To attend Mindless Behaviour's concert. Greyson Chance will be there. I giggle as I gaze at the beach outside, where several people are milling around. The waves are lapping gently at the shores and the leaves of the coconut trees are swaying gently to the breeze.

Snap! I hear a suspicious noise just in time as I turn to see my brother holding his phone in this hand. He took my picture! I wipe my drool and clambered out of bed to grab the phone out of his hands. How could he? He could upload that picture on Facebook and I'll be dead. Embarrassed. My reputation will be ruined! I'm a popular 14 year old girl at school, well-liked by everyone, but although I'm blessed by having good friends and an awesome personality and a high social status in school, I'm kinda unlucky on the looks side. My hair? It's curly but I have it rebonded at the moment. But my face-you wouldn't call me gorgeous, but I'm not ugly either. However, I'm... I just have these extra fats on me, because of my slow metabolism rate. Okay, I'm totally not self-conscious or anything, but my hair is in such a mess! And my drool. God that's embarrassing.

"You asshole! What the heck's your problem? Oh and finally, you wake up early just to take revenge on me? Can't you give in to your little sister?" I growl. 

"Whatever, and I'm going down to eat breakfast. You don't give me what I want, this is totally going on facebook," he sings as he slams the door shut. 

I really don't like the way the day is starting.

New York is cold and I'm happy to finally use my thick, woollen jacket that I bought in Singapore. Let's just say Singapore's sunny all year round so woollen jackets are not clothes you would see people wearing on the streets. We tour around the city for a while before the concert started at 8. It really is fun, and I get to take my revenge on Idiot, like taking unglam shots of him and pushing him when he is leaning over railings. Sadly, he didn't fall to his death. New York is amazing. I buy a lot of souvenirs and stuff that I can't find in Singapore, like lithographs and CDs and T-shirts. The Empire State Building is magnificent. It's fun to be in New York because this seems to be the place where many things take place, especially in movies and in books, like in Percy Jackson. 

At around 6, we hailed a taxi to get back to our hotel to get changed for the concert. The concert starts at 8 so we don't have to rush, but it's better to be early, my Mum says.

Despite being leaving the hotel early, there's a huge traffic jam. Great. Just all the luck I needed. My first concert and  I'm stuck on the road. However, we manage to get to the concert hall about 20 mins before it started, which is at 8pm. It is extremely crowded. People nudge me on the elbow, hips, feet as the crowd rush to get inside. With great effort, Dad finally manages to push through the crowd and leave everyone in. However, the ticket I am clutching dropped. In the sea of people. I call out to Dad desperately, but he cannot hear me and he enters the hall along with Mum, Nelly and Idiot, leaving me behind. Worry engulfs me and I feel my stomach doing a flip. Oh no, if I can't find my ticket, I can't enter the concert hall!

I bend down and start searching for my ticket. I can't find it with all the people rushing to get inside. The concert's about to start anytime soon, so luckily there were less people. If I don't find my ticket on time, I'll have to say bye bye to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just then, rain starts to pour down. The odds are not in my favour today. 

I squint as the rain drops splash onto my face. My ticket might get wet! Plus, even if I find it, how am I going to find my family? I gave my phone to Mum before I had forgotten to get it back! Now, there are only a handful of people around me. It's easier to find my ticket now, I try to encourage myself. As the last person slips into the hall, I finally find my ticket, soggy and wet with disgusting shoeprints on it, stuck near  a drain. I bolt to grab it before it slips into the drain and out of my reach. 

I am drenched wet and my thick, woollen jacket isn't of any help to keep me warm at all. Shivering as I wrap my jacket closer to me, I turn towards the door. Neither the woman at the counter nor the guard is there at the door anymore! I run to the door in desperation and alarm and try to swing it open. It won't budge! I try to kick it down, but to no avail. 

Tears well up in my face as I accept my fate. I'm locked out of the concert hall. 

Meeting You By Chance (Greyson Chance love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu