part 8

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It felt so weird being so close to Shayne like this. We usually hit each other and fight with each other but now, we're being so nice to each other.

Me: It feels so weird being nice to each other. Why aren't we hitting each other like we normally do?

Shayne laughed.

Shayne: I don't know but if it makes you feel better, we can hit each other instead of being nice.

I slowly grew a devilish smile which made Shayne look scared but still having a smile on his face.

He leaned back with his back facing the door and used his arms to protect himself.

Instead if hitting him I lightly nudged him but burped really loudly. I figured that was good enough.

The burp was really loud and it really hurt. I put my hand on my chest and squinted my eyes.

Shayne and I both laughed.

Me: Ouch!

Shayne: Hahaha!

I smiled in pain then punched Shayne in the arm.

He put his hand on his arm covering his the spot that I hit and laughed in pain with me.

One we stopped laughing, there were moments of silence. We were looking at each other. Still smiling.

I broke the silence because the silence was getting too awkward for my liking. I sit up straight and Shayne did the same.

He started the car and started driving.

I decided to add some stories on my media so I grabbed my phone and went on instagram.

I went on selfie mode to get the both of us in the shot and pressed record.

Me: Hey Shayne..

Shayne didn't say anything so I zoomed the camera in on his face.

All of the sudden he quickly turned his head towards the phone and looked at the camera with a dramatic look on his face.

Shayne: Yes?

I stopped recording and laughed because I thought it was hilarious.

I Immediately posted it and put my phone down.

Me: Wait. Do people even know about our auditions?

Shayne: No actually. I don't think so.

Me: Okay. Then I'm ganna go live so that we can tell them.

Shayne: Okay.

I grab my phone and go back on Instagram to start a live video.

When I press record, I wait a second or two then welcome the first few viewers.

Me: Welcome guys. It's me and Shayne.. just chillin in a car.

I directed my phone over to Shayne.

Shayne put on his biggest douche bag smile and looked at the camera.

Shayne: Sup?

I directed the phone back to me.

Me: Anyways.. I just thought that we would tell you guys some, hint: VERY important news, and maybe now is a good time because it deals with me and Shayne. So I'll give you guys a while to guess...

I took a few seconds to look at the comments so I can see what they were guessing.

I put the phone between me and Shayne so he could see what they thought as well.

All I was seeing was "I SHIP!" and "you guys are finally together?!?" or something that goes along with that general subject.

Shayne: So you guys OBVIOUSLY don't know what we're talking about so we'll just have to tell you.

Me and Shayne looked at each other and smiled.

We looked back at the camera.

Me: We got an audition for a movie, guys!

Me and Shayne high-fived and blushes of excitement.

Me: Guys! You have no idea how exited I am about this.

Shayne: Seriously, we're so happy with this.

Shayne had to start the game so I took over the stream.

Me: I really want to know what you guys think about all of this so please tell us your thoughts or even questions. If you guys have any questions, ask away.

I wait a while to see what people had to say.

I saw a question asking "What movie?".

Me: None of us know what the movie is. I'm guessing we'll find out when the time comes... which is in six days!

Shayne: Which is way too soon.

Oh you'll be fine Shayne.

I saw another question asking "What are you doing for the auditions?".

Me: Good question. That's actually why were in this car right now. We just got done with a dance thing we're doing for the auditions. We just started today. That's why SHAYNE over here thinks that six days is too soon.

Shayne: Well, it is too soon.

I looked over at Shayne with a smiled for a while then chuckled.

Me: We'll do great Shayne.

I looked over at the comments again and saw a lot of comments shipping us.

I think I started blushing.

Then I saw a comment saying "don't deny it Courtney. We know you love Shayne."

Am I really that obvious or do they just want to say that because they want me to like him? If that's the case then Congratulation. Your dreams have become a reality.

Some time past and it was time to end the live steam.

When I ended it I put my phone down leaving me and Shayne in a car full of silence.

I slightly turn my head and look at Shayne. I grew a smile on my face.

I felt so lucky to know Shayne the way I do. To be friends with him. To know I can turn to him whenever I'm in trouble.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He just looked so amazing in the moment.

I saw Shayne turn his head my direction so I quickly turned my head back

Shayne: Hey Courtney?

Me: Yeah?

I look at over at him and I see him smiling.

Shayne: You know you can always call me whenever you need someone, right?

I started blushing. I was confused. This question seamed a bit random.

Me: Of course I do, Shayne! But why ask?

Shayne: I just don't want you to be sad. I've seen what Wahlid did to you and I'm not okay with that. I want you to know that I'm here for you.

Me: Thank you Shayne. That means a lot to me.

I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

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