part 2

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-Courtney's POV-

I know that I apologized to him and he said it was okay but I couldn't help but feel bad about it all.

We finished our food and walked back to the smosh HQ.

Time past and it was time for us to leave to go home.

I still live with Wes but I'm staying with Wahlid for the whole week witch makes me happy.

When I went outside I was about to call an Uber because Wahlid couldn't drive but before I did, I saw Shayne walking over to his car.

I crept up behind him and jumped up to scare him.

Shayne: ....

Me: You saw me, didn't you?

Shayne: You know I can see you in the reflection of my car, right?

Me: Damn it!

Shayne laughed and I laughed with him.

Shayne: Do you have a ride?

Me: No. I was just about to call an Uber though.

Shayne: I can give you a ride. I know you don't enjoy taking Ubers.

I would like that but I don't want to risk Wahlid seeing him and me together.

Me: That might not be the best Idea.

Shayne: Does your boyfriend hate me or something?

Me: No! Of course not. Well? Actually...

Shayne: So, yes?

Me: It's not that he hates you. It's just that he is unsure how to think about you?

Shayne: Oh yeah. That makes me feel better.

Me: Whatever.

I chuckle

Shayne: So do you want a ride? I don't think he's ganna see me. He is sick after all. He's probably going to be inside.

Me: Ya, sure.

We get in his car and he turns on some music.

Shayne: Any suggestions?

Me: Anything is fine with me.

He goes through all of the stations. Then he passes a song that I really like.

Me: Wait. Go back. I love that song!

He goes back to the song.

Shayne: What is this song called again? I really like it.

Me: It's called Shut up and Dance. I didn't know you liked this song. I didn't know you liked music at all.

Shayne: I actually love this song.

Me: Cool. It's my favorite.

I look at him and smile. I think I'm blushing.

-Shayne's POV-

We parked in front of Wahlid's place. And as soon as we get out of the car, Wahlid walks out.

Wahlid: Hey babe, I feel bett...

He notices me. He had fire in his eyes. He wasn't happy to see me.

Wahlid: What is he doing here?

Courtney: It's fine babe. He just gave me a ride here. It was nothing.

Wahlid: It better be nothing!

Courtney started to drag him inside to calm him down. She looks at me and mouths "You have to leave" to me.

Me: Well. I'll see you tomorrow!

Wahlid: Don't Talk to her!

Courtney: Shut up, Wahlid!

Oh my god! what is wrong with this guy?

I get in my car and drive back to my place.

Something seams very off in their relationship. I kind of feel bad for Courtney.

-Courtney's POV-

Once I drag Wahlid inside, I see Shayne leave.

Wahlid: I don't want you near him anymore.

Me: What is your problem?! You know I can't date anyone from smosh. Those are the rules. If me and Shayne were dating, I would be fired!

This is crazy! Why is he so paranoid all of the sudden?

He grabs his phone and turns it over to my direction.

Wahlid: Then what is this?

How did he get that photo? Olivia said that she wasn't going to post that anywhere!

Me: Where did you get that?!?

Wahlid: My friend saw you guys at Burger King. I guess he just came at the wrong time, didn't he? He took a picture and sent it to me.

Why are his friends so FUCKING nosy!?

Me: Its not what it looks like. We were celebrating!

Wahlid: Celebrating what?!

Me: I got an audition for a movie! From Edward Kitsis. He is one of the producers for Once Upon A Time. Don't you love that show.

His eyes widened and he grew a smile on his face.

Wahlid: I had no idea. Did everyone get one or was it just you?

Me: Well, not exactly.

Wahlid: What do you mean?

I hesitated but I couldn't lie to him.

Me: both me and.. Shayne got one...

He face palmed and immediately went to his room.

Me: What are you doing?

Wahlid: I'm packing all of your things! I can't do this anymore.

Are you serious?! What the hell is wrong with him?

Me: Okay! Fine! I'm leaving and I'm not coming back!

Wahlid: Then why are you making me pack your stuff? If you want to leave so bad, pack your own things and get the hell out of my house!

Me: I never made you do anything!

God damnit! I'll be glad to leave you.

I pack my stuff and leave. I call Wes to come pick me up. He takes about 10 minutes to get there. I got into his car and he started to drive away.

A/N: So. Once again, this story might be shit but my hope is that it will become better in the future. I have a lot planned for this. You can comment what you thought about this chapter so I know how to make it better. And in the future I might ask for your suggestions for what to do next in the story.

Thanks for using your precious time to read this... If anyone is even reading this. 🤔


BYE!!!! (^ >-<)

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