Chapter 40: Punk*

Start from the beginning

"Oops" I said

"What's your problem, girl? You're not suppose to attack the trainer! That's not how the match works!" I held my hips

"Does it really look like I give a shit? Now, where is my stuff?"

"It's-" a girl punk was about to speak before a boy covered her mouth. I raised my row

"What are you talking about?" The guy punk asked. I got frustrated and grabbed him by the hair

"Look you little shit! I asked you a simple question! One of your little friends stole something very important from me... I want it back!" The guy tried fighting me, but my intimidation was keeping him from doing it

"Easy, we don't want to get violent here" the girl that tried talking before, lifted her arms to show she wasn't armed "why don't we talk about this-" I pulled a knife on the guy's neck

"You need to stop playing nice and return what you've took from me. you know..? You really should watch who you steal from" I smirked widely

"W-who are you..?" The guy asked. I looked at every one of their angry eyes before throwing B to the side secretly and grabbed the girl by the hair, in which she panicked hard, to point the knife at her neck

"I'm Serenity..." I smiled sweetly "that's all you need to know" They removed their angry expressions to horrified ones and took a step back. The girl I was grabbing started sobbing. I glanced at her, seeing she was hopeless and didn't want anything to do with this. If I didn't know at better, I'd say she was going to tell me where my keystone would be. The look in her eyes were almost like Shauna, innocent and young. I felt some kind of guilt and threw her out the way

"Please, if you'll be so kind as to take me to your boss?" Absol growled to intimidate them even further. They nodded nervously and quickly walked to a random hallway. I furrowed my brows confused and faced the girl who they suddenly abandoned

"They just left you here" she sniffled and brushed the dust off her knees, keeping close to the wall as close as possible

"It's not like it matters... it's not like they cared about me to begin with..." my eyes slowly widened "they don't care about me like that. They've done worse to me than what you tried doing" I looked at her wrist, noticing fresh cuts and bruises all over her arms and even hands "I better go..." I grabbed her shoulder before she walked away, making her squeal and freeze

"How about you come with me?" She looked at me confused "come on, you don't have to worry now" she looked at the hand on her shoulder and shed a tear. Huh..?

"Says the girl... who pointed a knife at me" I chuckle amused

"Good point, but come with me anyways" she gulped and smiled

"Okay... but only because I don't want to die yet" she thought for a moment "Sophia" I grabbed her wrist forcefully, making her whine

"What did you just say? How do you know my name?" a simple smile was enough to confuse me and let her go for now. She wasn't why I came here. I didn't let go of her hand "want to start walking?" She tried taking her hand back, but I didn't let her

"Can you let go of me? You don't know your own strength, do you?" I immediately released her, knowing that was true

"It wouldn't be the first time I had to hurt other people by accident. I'm pretty angry right now, so can you blame me? I was in a gang too... because I was in a gang, I learned to be tough and face my enemies. What I do is bad, I am a bad person, but when someone's in need, it's kind of hard to walk away from that" the girl started thinking

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now