Aaliyah Cruzita Esquivel: The Author

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       The characters in this story, although purely fictional, all come together to make a realistic fiction story of a young girl who killed herself. Every character had a different (yet in at least some way, admiring) view on Abigail, even if they chose not to admit it.

And because of that I beg of you,  weather you relate to the love intrest, the best friend, the teacher, ex, brother, cousin, mother, father, bystander, bully, or even to Abigail herself; Don't let fear keep out things you should say. Just because you are scared to tell that girl you like her or you are too proud to admit that you are jealous of someone doesn't mean you shouldn't tell them how you feel. Maybe they all could have said something. Maybe there was something everyone could have done to stop Abigail, but there is no way to know for certain. So, instead of having to sit there and wonder what could have been, try your hardest to let people see how you really feel.

Abigail Celeste Anderson was only sixteen when she took her own life. To many she was a beautiful, loving, smart, friend. She was never afraid to be herself and that caused her to be both loved and ridiculed. Abigail didn't see her worth because, even when the love was standing right in front of her, all she could see was the tiny bit of hate. The people in her life couldn't have loved her anymore, the question wasn't how much they loved her, it was how they showed it. They loved her, and they told her that, but it was because of-among other things- the things they didn't say that she chose the path she did.

Maybe there is something we can all say, but we will never know if we just let things go unsaid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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