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"Really Landon, what the hëll," I breath out as we stumble into the house.
        " Are you mad at me? I'm sorry," he slurs and I shake my head.
         " He just started talking to me again," I explain and he laughs.
         " You sound like a sad puppy," he jokes and I roll my eyes.
        " And you sound like a drunk with a bad robot," I retort and sit him on the couch.
        " Why do you care anyway," he calls and I go get him some water and Tylenol.
          " Landon, sit up," I demand and start to unbutton his clothes.
            " Woah, aggressive, I like it," he breaths out and I shake my head.
           " I don't want you throwing up on your suite," I answer and then grab a trash can to sit next to him.
        " I'll yell at you in the morning so you can remember it," I claim and then walk back to the room so I can shower.
      The hot water hitting my body feels nice, relaxing. I stay in there until my fingers crinkle up and then dry off and put on a big shirt.
       I go to lay in the bed and grab my phone to put it on the charger.
       " Call me," I text Sam and I know he won't respond. He thought I told Landon that he loves me. I didn't of course. I wouldn't do that to him. I have no idea how Landon got that idea, but Sam should know that I wouldn't do that to him.
" I'm sorry Joelle," Landon whines dragging himself to the room and I roll my eyes playfully.
" Come lay down," I move over in the bed and he comes in laying next to me.
" I shouldn't of said that," he starts and I run my hands over his head."What did I say again," he asks and I shake my head.
" I can't even remember," I respond and he smiles and then falls asleep.
" Landon, get up, work," I call out and he doesn't move an inch.
" Landon wake up, we are going to be late," I call out and he groans.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
This is the 20th time my phone has went off in the past hour.
" Landon, get up," I go to and grab a pillow to throw at him as he starts to stir.
" I'm awake," he growls and I start to pin up my hair.
" toast and coffee is downstairs," I call out and I hear him drag out of the room.
Ring. Ring . Ring
" Hey, everything okay," I ask and Nova is speaking so fast into the phone that I can't understand a thing she's saying.
" Slow down Nova, I cant hear you. Are you crying," I ask and I hear glass shatter from the kitchen.
" Landon, what the hëll," I call out and then look back to the phone.
" I've been trying to call you all night," she complains and I hear more glasses shatter to the ground.
" Can you tell me at work Nova I might have to kick Landon's äss," I proclaim and I think I hear her say no but I've already hung up the phone.
" Really Landon all the good glasses. Go get ready for work, you have 15 minutes," I call and go get the dustpan and broom.
" I said I'm sorry about the glasses," Landon repeats and I roll my eyes.
" Is an I'm sorry going to get the glasses back. I'm not going to be able to walk on the kitchen floor for weeks without shoes," I complain and he sighs.
" I'll get you some new glasses. And get someone to clean the floors," he demands and I'm about to tell him that's not the point, but it seems like everything around us has paused .
" What's going on," Landon blurts and everyone starts whispering. I'm looking around confused as my eyes latch to Nova.
" Joelle, lets go to your office," Nova demands pulling me away and I turn to Landon confused.
" I've been trying to call you," she claims and I sit at my desk.
" I'm sorry Nova, it's been a terrible morning and ," I start but she stops me.
" Sam got hit by a car last night, he's in the hospital and it's not looking good," she interrupts and I freeze.
" Sam what," I huff out and she pulls up a chair to sit next to me.
" Sam was hit last night after he left the party. The car flipped a couple of times, smashed against a tree," she explains and I stare at the wall.
" what's not looking good? Couple hospital visits not looking good or dead not looking good," I ask and she starts to cry.
" I don't know," she cries out and I grab on to her.
" Let's go find out," I demand and we start to walk out the door.
" Landon we need to get to the hospital," I call to him and he grabs my hand and just starts walking. Nova and I get into the car and within ten minutes we are parked in front of the hospital building.
" Whatever they say in there, we are going to be fine," he states , Nova and I both hop out of the car and run to the door.
" we need to see Sam Tavern," we both yell out and the front desk lady nods.
" I'll let you know when he can have visitors," she answers and we shake our head.
" No, we can't wait, if Sam is in there dying we can't wait," I call with watery eyes and she shakes her head.
" Ma'am look around you. A lot of people would love to see their loved one right now but they have to wait," she calls and I roll my eyes.
" Listen to me, I will pay you. How much do you want," I call as nova and I start emptying our pockets.
" You can't bribe me Ma'am. Sit down and wait your turn," the lady calls and Landon walks in.
" Can I talk to you in private," Landon asks the lady and she looks at him conflicted.
" Sir, I can not be bribed," she demands and he nods.
" Of course not, I wouldn't try and belittle you or what you do by waiving some money in your face. I apologize on their behalf for that. May I speak to you," Landon demands and she nods walking to her office.
Ten minutes later the lady is giving us name tags and we are walking to the back.
" What if he's," I start and nova breaks down.
" I'm going to wait out here, you um, you go," she calls and I shake my head.
" Nova please," I beg because I can't go in there with out her.
" Please Joelle, you go, please," she pleads and I look into her eyes.
" Yeah, Ok I'll let you know how he is," I assure and turn to Landon.
" You need me to come with you," he asks and I shake my head.
" I'll let you know how he is," is all I say before walking him out cold laying in the bed.
" Actually, maybe you should come in," I direct and he walks in behind me.
" Sam," I tear up and Landon walks in behind me.
" Sam please," I beg and I have no clue what I'm begging about, not dying?

Waited to breath// part two of Waited For You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora