We were okay?

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Joelle's P.O.V.
It's been two months, Landon and I both seem to be living through the motions. I love him, there is no doubt about it, but he just makes things hard. Us together makes things hard.
In one moment, I don't see how we're going to make it. I look at him and see my past and nothing that I want to be my future. However, times like now, we are happy. More than happy and things just seem to work. We forget about all the bad moments when times look this good.
" Landon ten minutes or we are going to miss dinner," I breath out and he runs out of the room.
" I'm ready," He calls and walks over to me with a smile.
" Ready," I repeat and kiss him before putting on my coat.
" I love you," I whisper and he slaps my butt before I run off to the car with a smile.
Finally pulling up to the restaurant in what seems to be a lifetime later, Landon and I walk up to the table with my dad and his new girlfriend.
" hello I'm Joelle, very nice to meet you," I say as I hug my dad and his girlfriend.
" I'm Gabrielle,"she greets and I smile to her. She's way younger than I would of thought, I mean 30 years younger, but she seems nice and talking to my dad about her shows me that she's makes him happy.
" How are you two," my dad asks and I look to Landon.
" Fine," I smile and he smiles to me and then his girlfriend speaks.
" You are so pretty Joelle, you're beautiful. I expected to see a girl with a ring on her finger," she winks , Landon and I laugh awkwardly before smiling and drinking our water.
" So, how are you guys," I ask and Gabrielle breaks out in a smile.
" Great, we bought some new things for the house to make it feel more homey and got some cute dog clothes. We've just been taking time out to understand each other more than just in the bed  you know," she calls and I nod.
" Yeah, of course," I breath out and look to Landon who finds all of this to be funny. This is going to be a long dinner.
Finally on our way home Landon grabs on to my thigh.
" Your dads girlfriend is interesting," Landon claims and I roll my eyes then look to him.
" Very," I smile and he laughs.
     Ring. Ring. Ring.
          The phone is constantly ringing from Landon's pocket and I look over to him. We are okay, but the questions never leave mind. It's too hard to push it to the back of my head.
         " Who is it," I ask and he pulls it out of his pocket.
       " Layla," he calls and I look at him.
       " Answer," I whisper and he looks at me shocked.
         "Are you sure," I ask and he nods.
         "Positive, we can go together if she needs something," I answer and he picks up the phone. He's sitting silent for a moment. He's not moving and I'm almost scared because it's a coincidence that I decided to drive home and now Landon is laying silent listening to Layla on the phone.
        " She's in the hospital," he says blankly and I look at the road.
         " Then that's where we go," I whisper and he nods as I go down the all too familiar road.
Walking inside I feel this ping at my heart. What if this is like when I had to go to the hospital for my ex boyfriend, what if she's dead.
       We walk down the halls and finally reach Layla's room. We get to the door and Landon holds on to the door knob.
       " You're sure," he starts and I nod.
        " Positive," I smile and he opens the door.
       " Layla, what's going on," he says as we come in and I sit  at the seat next to her.
         " I'm pregnant," she cries and everyone in the room freezes.
       " It's not yours, we haven't even slept together," she assures and I look at the wall.
        "You're keeping this baby," Landon asks and Layla looks at him confused.
       " Why the hęll wouldn't I, it's my baby," she breaths out and I look over to her.
        " It's your baby that you're having only months after coming clean. Why would you put your baby through that. Why would you let something else into this world when you can't even take care of yourself," he argues and she sits back.
       " Don't yell at me, it's my baby not yours," she yells and Landon sits back in his seat.
       " Why the hęll did you call me down here when you knew the first thing I would tell you is to consider another option, why did you call me down here Layla," he yells out and Layla begins to cry.
        " I don't have anybody else," she calls and she's looking to me.
        " Why in the world," Landon starts and I stop him.
        " You're okay, she's okay, we're okay and we are going to sit down to talk," I whisper. " We don't need to yell at each other because Layla has a baby in her that she wants to keep and it just needs to be discussed," I call and she searches my eyes as I search hers.
         " I don't know you very well Layla. I definitely  don't know what it means to be a mother or to have a mother, but I do know what it means to love someone. I know what it means to make a decision that no one agrees with. I know what it means to have to make a decision and not know if that decision can ruin your life," I start and she's looking at me, waiting on what I'm going to say next.
        " You could be a good mother, you could be a great mother. You can be the kind of mother that sees her baby for the first time and finds what she's meant to do in life. However, you could also be the kind of mother that loves her baby enough to consider the best option for them. The kind of mother that thinks things through because no mother is perfect, but every mother at least thinks once on what kind of life they can truly give their baby," I whisper and Landon looks at me confused.
        " She's the kind of mother that would butcher her baby because she hasn't even had to take care of herself. She's the kind of mother that needs to be told what to do because she can't make smart decisions. She's the kind of mother," Landon continues but I stop him once again.
        " She's the kind of mother that needs space and that's what we are going to give her. Everyone needs to calm down and then we meet you in a few days and we talk about it," I call and he looks up to me.
        " I like that idea," she whispers and I nod looking at her.
        " I do too," I breath out.
We were okay. Landon and I are always ok until we aren't . He's head strong, his opinion is the only opinion that matters.

Waited to breath// part two of Waited For You Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ