Feel this

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Landon's P.O.V.
It's been two weeks, Joelle and I are sitting on Layla's couch and Layla is crying her eyes out because she's giving her baby up for adoption. It's been a back and forth game with Layla because for once In her life she didn't want to answer the phone. She didn't want to answer the question that would dictate the rest of her and her baby's life.
I can't say I'm sad about it because I'm not, but I do feel like I could of been a little nicer about it , I mean I said she's going to butcher her baby.
" This wasn't an easy decision, but it's the right one because you need time to learn about yourself," I call and she hugs me, then she looks to Joelle and hugs her.
        " Thank you," she whispers in tears and Joelle looks to me.
         " Landon wants to apologize," she claims and my eyes shoot up to her.
       " Landon wants to say he's sorry, not for how he felt, but how he put it across to you. Landon wants to say he's sorry because he realizes that this was a  hard decision that you had to make on your own," She begins and now they are both looking to me.
         " I apologize for saying you were going to butcher your baby. I apologize that I cursed at you and made you feel even more like shįt, I apologize that I got Joelle involved in this because she's going to continue to worry about you until  she feels like you're okay and that as we know could be forever," I acknowledge and Joelle's eyes burn into me as she hugs Layla.
         " Really Landon," she breaths out and I shrug. Why in the hęll would she say that I apologize. I can't feel bad for Layla for more than a month before she does something that messes all that up. Messes all that caring and feelings up.
    Joelle's phone goes off and she looks to me to pass off Layla who is laying cuddled in her arms.
       " I have to answer the phone," she whispers and I guide Layla into my arms.
Joelle comes back moments later grabbing her purse.
" I have to go see Sammy," she breaths out and I get up to go with her.
      " Maybe you should stay," she suggest and I freeze looking at her.
         " Like hęll I am," I call and she looks at Layla who looks like she's going to fall to pieces.
         " Landon," she pleads and my eyes are burning into hers. All of a sudden she wants someone to be there for Layla. All of a sudden she wants me to be her person, she wants me to sit here and comfort a girl who did anything but comfort me.
        " I said I'm coming with you," I reply and she keeps her eyes on Layla.
        " Are you okay," she asks Layla and I look over to her.
       Is she okay? Really?
     Of course she's not okay, but that verdict was closed way before a baby got involved. She should be asking me if I'm okay because I have my current girlfriend more concerned about my ex  girlfriend than I am.
       But I wait for Layla to answer. I wait to see if Layla will answer because I know if she says she's not, Joelle will drag her in our car and to our house.
       " I'm fine, please go handle whatever that was," she calls and I nod as I put on my jacket.
     " You will be fine. Ever since I've known you, I've known you to come out okay. It's almost irritating because sometimes I feel like you don't deserve it," I breath out and Joelle hits me hard on my arm.
      " What I'm trying to say is, you are going to be okay because that's the kind of girl you are. You find ways to be okay," I call as I walk out of the house.
" Landon, you don't have to be so harsh with her,"'Joelle calls as we get into the car and I turn to her.
       " She was a drug addict. She stole my money and lied to my face. She got sick in my bathroom and I laid with her drug set shakes through the night. She faked sober multiple times so that she can come to me again and make me trust her again just to have her and her drug addict friends rob me," I start to ramble and she stops me.
        " Now she's pregnant and sober so what does all that mean," she asks and I roll my eyes.
       " I can be harsh with her, I can be angry with her. I can tell her that she's going to be okay because she is. I can tell her that no matter how twisted she makes her life, somehow things work out for her because it's another unfair gift she gets from the world and I get to tell her that,"I claim and she huffs out a breath.
      " You don't think she knows that," she growls. " You don't think she understands how her life has played out. She doesn't need you to be the person who rubs that in her face," she answers and I laugh.
     " Now you are team Layla. You didn't even want me seeing the girl a couple of weeks ago," I complain and she stays quiet for a moment.
" I didn't want you lying to me. I didn't want you hiding her from me. I didn't want you to cheat on me," she calls and I respond quickly.
"I gave her many chances and I probably will never be able to hate her like I want to. She deserves to at least feel this," I command and Joelle stays silent the rest of the ride until we get out the car to walk into Sams house.
" You lied to me multiple times and of course I wouldn't scale it anywhere near how Layla did you, but it was a lie. You don't have the right to tell people what they deserve. I mean when she said she was pregnant we all froze for Christ sake ," she explains and then walks out of the car.
" We are different Joelle," I yell out as I open my door.
" Are we Landon," she calls back.

Waited to breath// part two of Waited For You Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat