You care

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The next morning, I go in and immediately check on Sammy who's doing better. He's laying down in his bed looking out the window.
" How are you feeling buddy, I have to stop at home for a minute. I'll be back in about an hour or two though," I call and he turns to look at me.
" you're coming back though," he asks and I nod my head.
" Of course," I call out and he smiles and then turns to look out the window again.
I call out to Sam that I'll meet him back here in a couple of hours and he yells out okay as I leave out the door.
Walking into my own door, is silence. Landon's in the house, but he won't talk to me because I stayed.
" Hey," I say abruptly as I walk into the room and he's dressed in his suit fixing his tie. His eyes are glued to the mirror and I sit on the bed.
" I'm going to take Sammy to the doctor at one," I call and he laughs lightly.
" Of course, make sure your son is okay, want to bring some flowers to Sam," he asks sarcastically and I sigh.
" Landon," I start but he stops me and turns around.
" You made a choice last night Joelle, you made a selfish choice that you're coming home and trying to fix. Like I said on the phone, Sammy is not your responsibility," he growls and its my turn to dryly laugh.
" I made a choice, yeah I did Landon. I made a choice that was anything but selfish. Sammy has nobody but Sam who's doing everything he can and still seems to be falling short. I care about them Landon and I know Sammy is not my son, but I care about them," I breath out and he looks at me with his eyes burning.
" Just how much do you care about them Joelle," he asks and he comes to the bed and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back, it's almost an instinct. He starts to unbutton his shirt and I keep kissing him.
" Do you care about them enough to miss a day with me. I can push all my meetings back and we can spend the day together," he calls pushing up my shirt and I kiss him a little more passionately until I just stop.
" I have to get ready to take Sammy to the doctor," I say as the image of him cringing last night comes into my head. Landon stops and looks at me.
" Are you serious," he asks and I nod.
" Very," I call and he gets up to start buttoning up his shirt.
" You've made a choice," he starts and turns around.
" So have you," I yell out and he stops moving.
" Everything's been on your own time and I'm just suppose to be okay with that. But when I want to do something that I openly tell you about it's a problem because it's not you. Because it's me doing something that you don't like so it's a problem. If anyone's selfish here it's you Landon. Where do you go when you lie to me about being at work late. Answer me that and maybe you'll have some room to speak," I argue and he leans against the door frame.
" Go to the doctors office, you'll be late," he responds and walks out of the room.
Sitting in the doctors office I'm pacing the floor more than sitting until the doctor comes out to talk to us about what he examined.
" Can I talk to you guys outside for a moment," he calls and I look at him scared. We both pause in our seat for a moment before getting up and following him.
" we ran some test and they all came back clear. We want to run a few more, but it is slightly more expensive," he calls and I nod before he can say anything else.
" Do it," I blurt and Sam looks over to me.
" What test did you run sir if you do mind me asking. I came here with a sick son looking for answer and you seem unable to get me any. You didn't come out here and tell me if you were any closer and I think you are doing this because you looked through my files and saw that I couldn't afford any of this shįt," he blurts to him and I grab his hand.
" Sir, we treat every patient here with respect. I'm sorry if you felt slighted in any way. We did a CT test and a CAT scan, they both came back negative. We want to do a PET scan and a MRI scan to go more in depth on the critical points of his body," the doctor calls and my eyes fall to Sams.
" we should do it Sam," I call and he looks to me.
" What we Joelle? There is no we. After this doctor visit you can choose to leave if things get too tough. This is my son, not yours and if they find something wrong with him I have to figure out how to deal with him, how to afford his medical bills. So please don't speak about what we should do when it all falls on me," he calls and I look at him in shock.
" No, he's not my son trust me I've heard this a million times it seems like. I'm here for you though, I'm here and I won't let you tell me that I can't be. Whatever happens to Sammy is something we will both deal with because you are not alone," I answer and his eyes are bolted to me before he speaks.
" I am, go home Joelle. Go to work. Just go please," he calls out and I stare at him.
" I'm. Not. Leaving," I say sternly and he looks at me hard not letting go of my hand.
" Go," he breaths out and I go sit in the waiting room to give him some space.
I walk into the house at about ten and I'm more than tired. The last thing I want to hear is Landon yelling at me and I'm guess I'm in luck because he's not even home.
I walk into my room and change into a big t shirt after I shower. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and am about to put on a Netflix movie until someone knocks on the door.
" Sam , is everything okay, I knew I shouldn't of let you go home by yourself but I thought you needed space," I start to ramble and he stops me.
" What if somethings wrong with him Joelle. What if it's something that I can't handle and he dies or," he starts and I stop him.
" He won't, don't even say things like that Sam. We get the test results back and we move from there," I call and he looks at me, searching to make sure I'm telling him the truth.
" He's with Nova now. He asks about you constantly if he notices you're not around and when you say we," he stops and I look at him.
" I mean it," I assure and just then Landon walks in. He stops short and just looks between the both of us.
" You're here with my girlfriend alone," he states crossing his arms and I look at him.
" Landon, he's going through a lot. Please don't," I start and he shakes his head.
" No, No. Why would I start anything about this. Why would I say anything about the guy who somehow has a kid by my girlfriend, but they never had sex. Or did they," he asks and I glare at him, but Sam speaks before me.

Waited to breath// part two of Waited For You Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant