Chapter Two ~ the Pirate Way Part III:

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Jin entered the bridge with a joyful stride, as she made her way to sit in Alexia's chair. She watched her in brief astonishment from her Captain's station. When she started to object, Jin raised a hand and quickly shook a finger at her, before she spoke with attitude.

"I earned this. I overhauled this ship for two days almost. I'm gonna watch right here now, okay?"

"Fine, Jeez. I was just gonna ask if you want some popcorn."

Reine giggled uncontrollably over the bridge speakers, as Alexia responded in jest. The bridge was a little overrun by women at the moment, and Acovis just sat quietly waiting to jam enemy communication when they left FTL. Deytria gave Jin a suspicious glance, but returned to focusing on her next task. Captain Xavior started to bark her orders over the bridge speakers.

"Okay, Jin. That's fine, but let's keep commentary to a minimum. Acovis, you know the drill - try to keep them in the dark, so we can slip right on in. Alex, don't scratch my ship - Deytria, let's kill something in our weight class. Daddy says he is gonna murder the bigger ones."

"On a serious note, do you think popcorn would be acceptable on the bridge?"

Jin showed genuine interest in the answer to this, but the crew broke out in laughter. Alex shook her head at the engineer, as the ship left the FTL lane with a shutter. She answered carefully.

"I do not think you will want to eat, while we fight for our lives."

"Exiting FTL lane," announced the computer.

The scene quickly changed to dire, as three large and two small cruisers were within firing range. Jin quickly nodded and became absorbed in the sight, meanwhile she pulled her feet up into the chair and wrapped her arms around her legs. Deytria spoke with excitement.


The front of the Vexor lit up with the red light of the main cannon's laser beam aimed for the first of the small ships, a Falcon. Alexia's eyes lit up, and she was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, blooming in the distance, there was the blue swirl of a FTL lane with the Swan slowly edging out of it; when Reine spoke angrily over the bridge speakers, her navigator snapped out of a haze.

"Excuse me, Alexia - let me out to blow up stuff or I'm going to freak out now."

Alex pressed the holographic keys above her left armrest required to open the hangars in a rush, as she replied, "Aye - sorry, Captain."
Reine flew her mid-sized fighter out and into the chop just in time to see the Swan's main gun go off, as she used thrusters to flip her craft around and pressed her throttle to max steadily. Immediately, the plasma ray reached out through two of the larger vessels and down onto the planet. Her father's ship was a discontinued model called Eagle.

It was mainly a gunboat, but it had two small hangars; the long front end of the ship had large sides covered in armor and turrets, the back had one large engine surrounded by four smaller ones, and the front came to a block head with heavy armor surrounding the main cannon. In the middle towards the back, a short tower off the top would be the bridge overlooking the entirety of the large vessel. The vessel was much larger than it was when her father originally obtained it.

Chain reactions started going off inside the vessels struck by the Swan's main gun. The larger cruisers would not be so easily destroyed, except Zaül had instructed his gunner to aim for the larger Falcon's main gun. Which lined them up perfectly to shoot through the other ship's engine and down onto the outpost on the planet - one of his signature moves.

The two large Crow models immediately released all their fighters, numbering thirty, towards her father's ship. The two fighters assigned to the enemy Hawk were flying towards Reine and Vance. The Crow that was struck in the engine started sending life pods down towards the planet.
Space lit up with laser and plasma fire in the main viewport over the span of seconds, as Jin spoke in awe, "Goddess above."

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