Chapter Seventeen ~ Rest and Peace:

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“Okay, I'm coming back aboard, Captain.”

Reine smiled and laid back onto her bed, as she heard her engineer's voice over the ship’s speakers. Today, she wore a pair of baggy, black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Luckily, they had not run into any big problems after they had retrieved the Heart of the Swan, which was inside the large black case next to her bed. She looked over at the case pensively and rolled out of bed; before she climbed up the ladder to the cockpit, as she spoke.

“Good, I think we're all ready to leave this place. Let me know when you two are safely inside the hangar.”

She waited a few moments, before her engineer reported over the speakers, "We're back in the hangars, ready to close the shop."

With the press of a few keys, she closed the hangars and cargo bay doors. She entered coordinates for Rigdoros into the FTL computer. She heard her crew talking on the way back from the hangar, so she climbed out of the cockpit and slid down the ladder. She walked quickly into the kitchen, following the voices of her small crew.

“Thank the gods that's over, I am going nuts here,” Jack explained.

“You're glad it's over? You didn't have to...” 

She interrupted Jin with a fierce hug. There was a moment of silence, and she embraced her back. The ship lurched as it transferred into a FTL lane, and her Captain broke the embrace. The crew looked to their Captain expectantly. 

She asked, “What's next, Captain?”

“Well, we're done salvaging. Thank you for helping me keep that promise. You really don't know how much this means to me,” Reine paused, as she took a seat at the table, “Next stop - Rigdoros.”

Her engineer sat down across from her, and he joined them. Her expression turned deadly, and he raised an eyebrow. Jin looked exhausted still, but concerned.

She asked, “What's on Rigdoros?”

“Two things. My dad left me some stuff in a safety deposit box and the guy who set us up.”

He perked up and grinned, asking, “So we get your revenge, then you take me back to my rebellion?”

Captain Z nodded and voiced her enthusiasm, “Exactly.”

He stretched lazily and commented, “Now you're talkin’ my language, Capt’n.” 

“What do you think your dad left you, Reine?” 

Her engineer inquired curiously, as she sat up straight in the chair. He glanced at Jin and then looked back at Reine expectantly. She thought about the question for a moment, but answered honestly.

“I really don’t have a clue, Jin. Do you think we could get rid of this salvage while we are there?”

Her lover shrugged and explained, “I don’t know, I’ve never been there and really don’t know the first thing about that planet.”

“I know a guy,” he said, continuing, “you said Rigdoros?”

She nodded with furrowed brows, as she inquired, “Yeah, what kind of guy?”

“Well, he supplies upstart rebellions and private wars from my understanding. Most of this salvage is weapons, so I’m certain he would be interested.”

“Good, we’ll need to sell the salvage and split the spoils. I will go get what my father left me, while you two set up a meeting with Prestun RaVeen.”

His eyes widened in shocked reply, “Split the spoils?”

She nodded, “That’s the pirate way.”

A Prologue Part Three ~ The Rise(sample)Where stories live. Discover now