Chapter Eleven ~ Welcome to Hell Part II:

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Reine grinned up at Dillon sweetly. The devices dinged and the elevator doors opened. She excused herself and quickly made her way to the desk. Once there, a weird noise went off behind the desk; it was an ambient sound of water falling down rocks, causing her to glance around. 

A receptionist approached from a door behind the desk and smiled at her warmly, before she spoke, “Hello, welcome to Painful Mountain Resort Bathhouse and Spa. We offer anything our guests could possibly need for relaxation and refreshment.”

“I need a sound proof room, a bottle of the best rum you have, and some stuff I can break to start. I'm going to need whatever special packages you offer as well.”

She had the most serious look on her face, as she pulled the chip from the bottom of her device and handed it over. Her cover identity, Janice, was eighteen-years-old, which was standard Federation drinking age. When the attendant ran her chip, everything was in order.

A sheet was printed out of the desk and a magnetic key was produced. The hostess was not surprised, as she handed the sheet and key to her. Reine raised an eyebrow, as she took the sheet and examined it. It was actually a schedule for her 'relaxation plan', then she saw the price… 

The receptionist spoke, “Follow me, Janice.”

She looked up in surprise, before she closed her mouth and followed the woman. 'I better enjoy these services,' she thought to herself. The woman led her down a hall to a door and stood beside it. She used the key and entered; the room was already set up with a bunch of random furniture and a bottle of rum on a small table.

The door closed behind her, before she laughed maniacally and at length; which eventually drove her to her knees, as she gasped for air. She crawled to the table and reached for the rum, as she caught her breath; she sat back against an armchair on the ground and looked at the pint for a moment.

Reine Xavior cried like never before, as the loss of her father and inheritance gripped her. She slowly uncorked the bottle and tipped it up taking a few solid droughts of the stuff, before she lowered the bottle and wiped her mouth. The bottle felt small in her hands, and she sighed as she joked with herself.

“Fine job you've done... You loser... Can't even protect yourself, how are you gonna protect anyone else? Crap, you can't even order a bottle of rum correctly - what's this a pint?”

She looked at the bottle, grunted, and slowly stood up. She took another long swig of the bottle and drained it. She stumbled into the table, swiftly breaking the bottle over it in anger.

She pulled out her saber-hilt and closed her eyes for a moment, before she turned it on. When the blade hummed to life, so did she. She opened her eyes and started cutting everything in the room to pieces; the room was small, but it had many fun things to break, such as: furniture, artwork, etc.

She slashed the armchair several ways and cursed, setting it on fire as it fell to pieces, "Frack it all!" 

She twisted in place and cut the table in half with a sweep of her humming blade, "Nothing ever good happens!" 

She turned around and diced the leather loveseat behind her, as she continued with a whimper, "Fracking battleship... What is that anyway?" 

She groaned and went around the room cutting things - a stool, a vase, a painting on the wall of some old guy, as she cursed, "Fracking cowards… Federation goons… frackin' Feds took everything!" 

She came to the last item, a tall statue, and quickly sliced it side to side three times, before she shook her head and spoke in exasperation, "I can't go home like this!"

A Prologue Part Three ~ The Rise(sample)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu