Chapter Sixteen ~ Heart of the Swan:

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Reine had been dealing with Jack's shenanigans for three days straight. The ship dropped out of FTL with a rough jerking motion. The computer announced lazily. 

“We're here, you motley bunch."

“Well, we're not dead,”added Jack, as he removed his feet from the table.

“Idiots,” she yelled in annoyance, as she stood up from the table and made her way to her bedroom.

“What,” he asked defensively, as Jin shook her head. 

They followed their Captain and waited in her doorway, as she climbed up into the pilot's seat. Reine looked at her readings and soon found the remains of the Swan, meanwhile it did not take her long to anchor the vessel alongside the rear side of the wreckage. She took a deep breath and had a flashback of the last time she saw her father. 

The Swan was now a ghost ship - torn in half, the large vessel was drifting lifeless through the void. She began to weep. A few minutes later, she wiped the last of her tears and climbed out of the cockpit. 

“Okay,” she took a deep breath and exhaled her sorrow, before continuing, “Jin and I will go out first to get the most vital salvage work done. I know this is your first time, but imagine the suit as your body. Special functions are generally interfaced with mental functions.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

Reine slid down the ladder and made her way out of the room towards the mecha hangar. Her engineer followed, but he stayed behind. The girls changed into spacesuits, and she boarded the unknown model mecha. 

The inside was padded and the back closed in around her, as she stepped into the cockpit. Everything was dark for a moment, this was not her first interface; however, this was the first time she had interfaced with a mecha. She was greeted with a strange numb sensation throughout her body and a voice. 

“Hello, Lilli'une.”

‘I am Reine Xavior, daughter of Lilli'une,’ She replied in thought.

She saw through the eyes of the machine. She felt like she knew the basic controls of the mecha functions from previous training drills, but this was a little disorienting. Even in previous drills she had never felt such a solid connection - it felt like the machine was part of her. 

The machine stood reaching for a beam saber hilt and aux shield generator from one of the assault packages, as the storage for the hilt popped out on the right thigh of the mecha. She stored the weapon, attached the shield to the left arm of the mecha, picked up a plasma pistol, and stowed it on the mecha’s left thigh holster. She had a feeling this mecha was something else entirely and accessed the communication system, using thought commands to open a secure channel with herself, Jin, and the Naughtilus.

Her voice came over the comms, “Naughtilus, initiate salvage protocols. Release the mechas and open the cargo hatch.” 

She noticed her engineer was moving around and slowly storing multi-tools for various tasks. Jin was surprisingly adept at her trade and very knowledgeable about salvage operations in theory. Her new implant would be very lucrative, if she got a handle on this skill. 

Hangar doors behind both mecha opened up to space. The wreckage could be seen floating all around them in space. Reine turned around and the computer spoke. 

“Good luck, girls.” 

She spoke reassuringly, “Take your time and get the job done, we're going after the Heart of the Swan first.”

“Aye, of course.”

Jin's machine looked up momentarily in response, before it grabbed a large case and turned around. Reine’s mecha stepped off into space, and she used the basic thruster commands to guide herself toward the wreckage. She ran the area scan and noticed that her engineer was finally coming up behind her. 

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