30. Passing

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"This is St Helen's hospital. It'd be best if you could come over as soon as possible."

"What? Why? What's happening?" I ask anxiously.

"Your contact was the only one on Ms Kelly's handphone. She just got admitted not too long ago. May I know if you're related to her?" The nurse asks gently.

The blood in my veins run cold and words get stuck in my throat.

"Y-yeah." I stutter. "I'm her grandson. What happened to her? Is she okay?" I croak out, feeling tears building up again for the second time.

"The person who dialed for us said she collapsed in the grocery store. But come over as soon as possible. We think it's best if we tell you face to face." I swallow thickly at her words, my mind in a jumbled mess.

"Alright." I barely mange to croak out before I'm hanging up my phone and standing from the booth.

"We need to leave Theo." I rush out.

"But I'm not-"

"Please Theo. You can eat on the way there. We need to go. Now." I say sternly.

He nods obediently, and I snatch Nan's and his food off the table, thankful it's in one of those plastic containers. I've never been more grateful for instant food in my entire life.

I pick Theo up in my arms, immediately dashing out of the cafe. I'm desperately running down the street, looking for a cab. I try hailing for one repeatedly, only for them to be occupied and driving right past me.

"Oh for fucks sake." I curse in annoyance as I take long strides down the street, looking anywhere and everywhere for a cab.

My breathing is starting to pick up and my mind spins as more anxious and frustrated tears start to blur my vision.

As a last resort, I'm pulling out my phone and dialing for Harry's number.

It rings continuously, only to end up with nothing. I hang up, before redialing his number again and again. I repeat this, a couple of times before I groan in annoyance when I've come to the conclusion that he's not gonna answer anytime soon. I shove the phone back into my pocket in frustration.

Where are all the damn cabs when you bloody need them??

I run a couple more blocks, keeping my eyes peeled for any available cabs. And finally, I spot one which is flashing the available green sign. I hail for it, pretty obnoxiously, looking rather crazy but I couldn't care less.

It pulls up to the curb and I quickly enter, bumping my head on the roof in the process, but right now, I'm too stressed to even feel that.

"St Helen's hospital." I say, slamming the door shut behind me. "Make it fast if you can please." The driver nods, before he starts driving off.

My stomach shifts uneasily and my fingers clasp and unclasp around my thigh in nervousness.

"Where are we going?" Theo asks, which somehow, seem to only tighten my stomach even more.

"We're gonna see my Nan, bud." I reply, my voice a little cracked.

"Is she gonna make more mac and cheese for us?" He asks innocently. I release a soft sigh, feeling slightly more tears building up in my eyes.

"I'm sure she will." I mumble, but there's this little voice in the back of my mind that's telling me not to make empty promises because as much as I hate to admit it, Nan's health isn't the best. She's suffering from Type 1 diabetes, has been for years, and we all know how deadly that is. She's someone who gives me her medicine when I'm sick, neglecting her own health. She can never bring herself to watch me suffer, yet she couldn't see that I wasn't going to be fine watching her suffer too.

Uptown Boy (Narry Storan)Where stories live. Discover now