Rolling stone

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Paris' roar jolted me awake. I jumped up and went to him when he tumbled over. I caught him just as he was about to hit the ground "Paris!"

Paris jerked and spasmed, his hand let go of the knife. Even with all the blood, Paris was still so handsome. It was so wrong, that wasn't the path I wanted. I wanted to get away from him, I didn't want him dead

Paris's mouth moved, trying to form a word. I leaned forward, my body shaking erratically "R-Run" He whispered

I sucked in a breath, confused by his sudden change of heart "'re bleeding out. I can't-"

Paris' hand shot up and grasped my arm, staining it with blood. He sucked in a shallow breath "Go..."

I hesitated, still staring at his wound with my eyes wide open. I wanted to argue with him, to at least try to save him somehow. But Paris was intent on making me leave him there. His hand slipped and fell to the ground again, and I saw Paris start to lose consciousness

I shook him "Paris. Paris!" I called his name, but it wasn't enough. His eyes fluttered closed and his body went limp. I wept and held his head straight "No...No. Paris!" I lay him down on the floor and moved away "I'm so sorry, Paris. I'm so sorry" I chanted over and over as I picked myself up

I didn't want to leave him, I had to find help. I had to go outside and find someone who could help. I cradled my wounded arm and limped to the outside. I stumbled down the driveway and pressed the button that opened the smaller gate

As soon as I was on the road, my legs gave out and I fell forward. I slammed onto the tar, unable to protect my face with an injured arm. I grovelled and tried to crawl. I could hear a few police sirens heading that way. I pulled myself to the grass and waited for them, breathlessly

Soon enough, about four police cruisers passed me by, not seeing me, and stopped by the gate of the house. One of the police men got out, and I was about to call for him but, I something off about him. He wasn't wearing a normal police uniform, instead rocked a full on black suit with a red tie and shirt. He dug into his pocket and pulled out what looked like the button that I had that opened the gate

The gate opened automatically and he returned to his car. As soon as there was enough space, all four cars slipped through. I sat there, wet, bloody and in miraculous pain, and I pondered on who those people were just as a hand touched my shoulder

I screamed and winced when I only hurt myself more. I looked behind me and saw a man and a woman, a couple, wearing matching workout outfits. The man had his hands up and the woman had her eyes wide open. She acted first, and knelt down beside me

"Are you okay? What happened?"

I looked up at her "Please....please take me to the hospital. T-Take me to Urmi"

"Xavier, come hold her. She's injured and looks likes she's having a panic attack" The young woman beckoned her boyfriend closer. When Xavier took to long to reply she snapped at him to hurry

Xavier bent down as well and lifted me up from the pavement, as gently as he could, but I still felt so much pain. The two fast walked me down the hill and I passed out before I could thank them


I didn't wake up for three days

My body had decided to take a break from life, so to speak

When I finally did come around, I was no longer in the kitchen, or on the ground outside. But a bed. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the ceiling, and immediately I knew it was different

At first, I thought, 'Was this Hell?' But I had scratched that possibility when I couldn't spot any hellish fires of eternal rage or demons and monsters roaming the area. My idea of Hell was just as uncultured as the next nonbeliever

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