Tear in my heart

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"It's official. The trial is next month. I pulled some strings and got it as close as I could. I hope you're all ready?"

Eddie nodded, answering for his family "Yeah. We good" He pulled his hands out of his pockets "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah. My week is almost over. I have to go home" I said and saw his face falling "But, I will be back. I just need to do something first" I picked up my purse from the kitchen table and put my phone on silent

"You promise?" Cecilia asked, her eyes disbelieving already

"I promise" I looked around the area, eyeing every new piece of furniture "I'm hoping the groceries I bought are able to sustain you until I get back"

It wasn't much, I was hoping to redecorate more than just the living room and kitchen. But it seemed time wasn't on my side. Not yet anyway

Eddie stepped closer "You've done more than enough" He shot his hand out, grasped my arm and pulled me into a tight hug "Thank you, Mrs Ross"

I hugged him back with just as much affection "You're very welcome. And call me Morgan. 'Mrs Ross' makes me sound old"

We broke apart and I went to his mother next. I took her hand and squeezed it, silently promising to return to her as well. I felt more at peace afterwards, believing my own words. When I was done, I walked to the group of girls on the new couch and eyed Cecilia

"You remember what we talked about?"

Cecilia nodded stoically "Yeah"


It was all she had to say. There was no need to dwell into it. Everyone else didn't have to know what we were talking about, if she knew then that was all that mattered

I bid the family farewell and Eddie walked me out of the house. When we reached my car I turned and faced him "So"

Eddie smiled sadly "So"

"I guess I'll be seeing you, right?" When I leave, no one's going to be there to save you anymore"

Eddie shrugged "Don't worry. You'll find me here when you get back"

I smiled "I'm holding you to that" I got in the car and closed the door. Eddie stood by the open window "I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you too. It was fun.... Morgan. Take care of yourself. If you need me, just call"

I nodded and started the engine "I'll be okay. You focus on fixing your relationship with Cecilia"

"...Yeah. I'll do that"

"Bye, Eddie"

"Bye, Morgan"


It took me two hours to get home

Partly because I had gotten lost trying to get out of Eddie's neighborhood. Partly because I went to a café afterwards to think. Partly because I wanted to avoid going home for as long as possible


That word mocked me

I had only experienced the feel of a home when I was still a child, but even then I didn't grasp its understanding and significance. The place I was going to was a house I lived in with a man I was married too, surrounded by stuff that weren't mine

I looked at the clock in my phone

17:49 p.m.

It was getting late. I was just about to leave when I thought of something, my hand raising in the air at the same time. A waitress came to my side in an instant, and I couldn't go back on my thought " Can I please have the biggest piece of chocolate cake you have?"

The death Of Mrs RossWhere stories live. Discover now