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Eddie raised his hand and knocked on the door to his house

He was shaking. Visibly. Audibly. Even from where I was standing. He was making me nervous just looking at him. How bad had it gotten, that he was willing to end his life instead of fixing his problems?

I recalled him telling me how he was the cause of everyone's pain. The problem. To me, it seemed he was hurting the most. Then again, I hadn't met his family yet nor had I heard the story in its full extent. I could really assume much at that point. I just hoped his family was nice, like he was. Nice and pretty and willing to forgive

The door was answered by a girl, about fifteen or sixteen, with a look of pure hatred on her face. She didn't even acknowledge my existence, only Eddie's "What the Hell are you doing here, you piece of unwanted shit?"



Glancing at Eddie, I realized he was on the verge of breaking down. His voice was cut short before he could even attempt to speak. I decided to intervene "Um, excuse me? Cecelia, is it?"

Cecelia rolled her eyes, dramatically. Any longer and her eyeballs would surely turn inward permanently "Why is there an old white lady with you?"

I smiled politely, highly affected by her words "I'm twenty seven, and my name is--"

"Nobody asked you" She cut me off

Geez. She was sassy. I couldn't get a single sentence through. I was about to try my luck again when Eddie beat me to it "Where's mama?"

"Like you give a damn about mama. You lost your privileges when you left, Eddie. You aren't welcome in this house anymore"

Cecelia finished her piece and immediately went to close the door in our faces. I acted out of pure instinct and wedged my body in between the door. The door's edge sunk into my back, but it didn't hurt that much "Wait!"

"Don't. Let's just go" Eddie half turned, his voice breaking

"No way. We've gone too far for you to just give up" I panted, the situation I was in didn't allow an air current "You're going to talk to your mother, no matter what this Bitch Cecelia is saying"

"Who you calling a Bitch, Bitch? I'll mess you up, white lady" Cecelia shouted and forced the door close while I was still there, practically squeezing the life out of me

I hissed, the door digging into the spots on my body that hadn't healed yet. I pushed back, trying to ease the pressure. I was fighting with a little girl, and she was winning. How humiliating. I thought I was done for until Eddie placed his hand on the door and overcame Cecelia, pushing it open with ease. I was able to breathe and slip inside while the siblings fought over the door

"Cecelia" Eddie warned half-heartedly. He was barely breaking a sweat. He was holding back. Cecelia was strong, but not as strong as he was

They played tug of war for a few seconds until Cecelia gave up and took a new route of action. Shouting. I left the two alone and walked in. Not to my better judgement, I supposed. The house was pretty broken down. It was small, too small for a family of eight. There were holes in the ceilings, and dirty buckets on the floor below each. Probably placed there during last night's rainstorm. The cracks on the walls spread all over the place and the internal heat was unbelievable

I passed the The bathroom? No. There was a fridge and a table. It was the kitchen. The toilet in the corner probably didn't even work. It was rusted and withered to the t

I kept walking until I saw that I had missed a room somewhere when I reached the end of the hallway. I turned back and ended up by the kitchen again. On a whim I walked in and found that the living room was connected to the kitchen. It was one long room divided in half

The death Of Mrs RossWhere stories live. Discover now