A whole new world

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It was one word but it held so much power, it froze me to the spot. I was so close to the door and yet I hadn't moved. A storm was coming, and I had no protection

"Morgan?" The elderly man questioned "Who the Hell is that?"

I had no escape. I was trapped and I was about to be ridiculed and mauled like a piece of meat in a zoo

"She's the surprise, dad. Patience. She's a bit shy"

Without my consent, my limbs moved. I had turned around, faced him again, and was walking toward the light before I regained consciousness. It was too late by then. They had seen me, and I was humiliated. The first to gasp was his mother. She was exactly what I had predicated; prissy, snobbish, English. She was most appalled by my outfit, and the most shocked among the three

Upon seeing me, the elderly man released a gargling noise. The teacup in his hand shook and crashed onto the floor, onto the white carpet. Jesus Christ. The fancy looking china broke instantaneously. Still, no one bothered to look at it, everyone's gaze was fixated on me. Their eyes widened and their mouths ajar

The young girl, I suspected to be around the ages of sixteen and eighteen, she was quiet but the surprise was there. It was visible on her perfect, porcelain-like face. She didn't look like him. In fact none of their features matched, but she was still his sister


I kept my head down when my legs gave up in the middle of the room. My body threatening to betray me and break down too. I could feel their stares down my throat, on my neck and back, by my legs and at my outfit. I could feel the tension in the room. My heart constricted

"Morgan. Come here" He demanded in a gentle tone

I forced myself to walk, at least to reach the sofa. I managed to get to the edge, right next to him

His index finger tapped on his knee rhythmically "Family. This is Morgan. She lives with me now"

There was silence after I was introduced. Pregnant, thick silence. The only thing I could hear was the clock ticking out loud and my heart beating even louder. Eventually, someone broke it

"What is the meaning of this?" The mother shot up from the sofa, anger drenched in every word. She was furious to say the least. Her face had turned bright red

"What do you mean?" he answered calmly. Too calm. It was too calm. It irked me and everyone else in the room

A long, wrinkly finger pointed in my direction "Thi...th...this...girl that you dared to bring to us?" She stuttered, her voice breaking

"What's your point?"

I looked up just in time to see the horrified look on the woman's face. She went pale and fell back onto the sofa dramatically, reaching for the elderly man to comfort her. She grabbed his arm and threw it over her shoulder. The guy stared at her in confusion, but didn't bother to try understanding her. The young girl used her hands to fan her hurriedly

"This isn't funny, Son. This isn't funny at all!" The old man exclaimed

"Was it supposed to be?"

I couldn't believe how he was so reserved, so cool even after almost making his mother pass out. He had an expressionless look on his face, like the one he sported at the hospital. Hard, cold, calculated. Emotionless. Did he even care about anything but himself?

"What's going on? Really now. Stop playing, you know mom has high blood pressure" His sister spoke up, not really mad or anything, just curious

I was too

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