Back to Black

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I glanced at myself in the broken mirror

It was cracked, crooked, discredited of its purpose. No one ever used this mirror, it had been used so much it literally broke under the pressure

Hm. Interesting

A woman walked into the bathroom. Her blood red dress, hugged her large breasts, thick ass and voluptuous curves with ease. She wasn't skinny or too fat. She was just gorgeous, with her smoky eyes and dark purple matte lipstick. The thigh high black boots, cocoa skin and cornrowed hair. Everything about her, everything was just perfect

I gripped on the sink. My, all nerves twitched and shook shamelessly. The tremors weren't that much of a problem, I could ignore them for a while. What affected my state the most, was the constant sudden heat waves and temporary black outs. Especially the cravings. The inevitable, shitty cravings

I bit my lip and openly looked at her through the mirror. She moved to the sink on my right and dug in her purse, pulling out her lipstick with long bright yellow nails. They had to be fake, maybe acrylic, but she made them look so natural. Everything she did was natural. I turned my body and stared at her in silence until she noticed me

"What you lookin' at, Bitch?'' She spoke with a fierceness that didn't surprise me. I smiled softly as she applied the lipstick with finesse and skill

"You, Bitch'' I challenged her and crossed my arms, my own breasts lifting up for her enjoyment "You got a problem with it?"

She didn't even bother to look at me, instead focused on what she came here for, fixing herself up. Even though it wasn't necessary ''You got a lot of sass for some white girl with no ass''

My smile broadened, growing more and more intrigued by her. She was exactly the type of person I had expected, she was what I waiting for ''I don't need an ass to get what I want'' I stepped closer to her, stumbling a bit before regaining my footing

"Girl, you better step back before I put you down" She warned lowly, almost like a mother would when protecting her offspring from any threat. But, that only happened in the wilderness. People didn't give two shits about their own in the human world

"How's about helping me with a blunt instead?" Just saying the word was enough to heighten my taste buds. My tongue ran over my teeth and gums on its own accord, readying itself. Waiting for what it desired so

The woman broke into a laughter that only mocked me, but I didn't care. I just wanted one thing from her. She could do whatever the fuck she wanted afterward. Finally, she faced me, her eyes searching my face " Well shit. You're fucked up''

For a split second, her features, my own heart beat and the area began to annoy me indefinitely ''Are you going to help me or not?"

She paused, sensing my seriousness. Without another word, she grabbed her purse and turned for the door. When she saw that I wasn't following, she looked back over her shoulder, the look in her eyes suggestive and sensual "Let's go, Bitch. Don't make a woman wait''


I pulled my head from under the surface of the water and sucked in cold air greedily. I wiped away the water from my face and ran my hands over my wet hair, draining it out

The world around me spun. It was all a blur, and yet I could feel and see it all. The lights, the dancing, the scents and smells of intoxication. All of it deafening my consciousness. My eyes darted all over the place in rapid notions, raking it all in but never actually registering any of it. I leaned back and tried to stay afloat for longer then twenty seconds this time. I couldn't sense my legs, they wouldn't listen. On my left, a fiery threesome took place. Their moans ringing in my ears. I stared at them, watched as the two men openly had their way with a girl much younger than the club allowed in. The water around me rustled because of their actions

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