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New York was a beautiful city

Filled with lights, culture and endless opportunities

I remembered coming here for the first time after running away from home, meeting Selene one night and then being a prostitute the next day. Although it was Hell on Earth for me, I was thankful I had met her in the bathroom that day. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have met Paris

I wouldn't have gotten food or any form of income if I hadn't met Selene. I was young, foolish, addicted to every kind of substance there was. I agreed to a lot of things, things I still regret now. Things that helped me grow. Things I hoped to forget

"She was a pimp. Had a bunch of girls raid inside bars and catch the drunk ones. Fuck them and take whatever they could find after they pass out. I was her favourite, I brought in the most money" I said, losing myself in my thoughts

"How long did you work for her?"

I thought about the question before locking gazes " months? I got sick the last day I ever saw her and found Paris instead"

Eddie chewed on his Dagwood, his second order. After finishing his breakfast, he asked to get more since the bacon and egg combo didn't fill him up. I didn't mind "So, you're telling me Paris saved your life?" He enquired

I nodded "They both did, but Paris did more"

Eddie snorted "Yeah...he's doing way more"

My heart clenched in my chest, and I had to look away. The atmosphere between us only tensed. Not knowing the person sitting in front of me was enough to be a conversational barrier. It didn't help that he judged me every five minutes

I looked down at his plate, my stomach grumbling for something more than just a salad "So. You know half of my life. Care to share yours?" I filled the silence. I might as well learn something

Eddie put the sandwich down and wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand "Two years ago, my father died in a gang war. He was walking home, and the bullet went right through his heart. Died instantly"

I gawked, not expecting his story to be so brutal so quickly. I didn't even expect him to comply, let alone answer

"Things went downhill after that. Since he was the only one who worked for a family of eight, when he died, we couldn't afford to do a lot of things. We fell into poverty pretty quickly. I had to drop of school just to find some work to take my five sisters to school" He leaned back on the chair, a shadow glooming over his face "My family fell apart. It was either we were at each other's throats or ignoring each other for days. Then something happened a few months ago. I came home, exhausted, just to find my mom and sisters being....being...b--" He cut himself off like a broken vinyl

I looked up to see his body shaking. His hands clenched up into tight fists while his head hung low. He was crying again, just like that day on the road. I stood up and dragged my chair to his side, and embraced him. He allowed me to hold him, and I glared at anyone who dared look our way

I felt the urge to protect him above everything else

"It's okay, Ed. You don't have to tell me" I cooed "It's okay"

"I couldn't save them. I was too late" He sobbed

My heart bled for him. Whatever happened to this boy had broken him down to the point of no return. I wanted to know why, but I wanted him to do it when he felt better. Now, he just needed comfort. And I was going to give it to him


"You feel better?"

Eddie sighed "No"

"You want me to turn around and go home?"

The death Of Mrs RossWhere stories live. Discover now