On Melancholy Hill

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I stayed quiet

Eddie sighed and kept his eyes on the road "I'm really sorry, Mrs Ross. I...I should have tried harder. I could have saved her"

I gritted my teeth, forcing myself not to speak

"Cecelia will forgive me, won't she?"

I lost my control "No" I snapped "I would never forgive you if I was her. What you did isn't worth the sorry you keep spewing. You sold her. You sold your sister's virtue, you...you were there. She cried out for you and you just watched" I started to cry again "I can't be near you. I'm so disgusted" I opened the window to let in fresh air

Men. They were all the same

Fucking disgusting

The car suddenly swerved to the side and I turned to see Eddie had let go of the wheel. I gasped and lunged for it, keeping the car steady "Are you fucking insane!"

Eddie didn't even have the decency to answer for his actions

"Eddie!" I yelled, trying to steer the car in my uncomfortable position "Please. Please, I don't want to die yet. Not like this. Please, drive, drive please!"

"Will you forgive me?"

My eyes widened "Are you fucking kidding? This is blackmail!" Eddie shrugged and gazed out the window. I had no other choice "Fine, Eddie. I forgive you. Now please drive!"

Eddie acted at his own pace. He moved my hands away and held the wheel. Then stopped the car off road. He turned off the engine and got out. I was still recouping from almost dying a few seconds ago. That was, until I saw him walking straight into the traffic again

I ran a hand through my hair, panting. At that moment, I had every right to let him die. It took me five full seconds to act. I jumped out as well and ran to him. My heart hammered down in my chest "Get out of the road, Eddie"

"Why should I?"

"This isn't the way! You might get hit and live" I pulled at his arms "Then what will you do?"

"Then I'll wait for a bus or something" He muttered

Helpless. I felt completely helpless "Why are you doing this, Eddie?"

Eddie's hands clamped around my arms, pinning me in place "Because this is what I deserve. Don't you see that? I can't fix my problems, they'll haunt me for the rest of my life" His grip tightened and I winced "I can't live with that. I can't..."

I closed my eyes. The incoming traffic, Eddie's breakdown, my erratic fears. All of it attacked me. I had to breathe. I had to calm myself down "C-Ca-Can we p-lease talk about...this away f-from the cars?"

He let me go "Go ahead. Leave. No one's stopping you"

A car sped passed us and hooted. I jumped, my stomach flipping over "No. I'm not....leaving unless you...leave with m-me" I stood my ground, even though I was scared shitless

Eddie sighed heavily "Just go, Mrs Ross. I don't want you to die because of me"

More cars sped passed. I cowered and closed my eyes, hearing the sounds of my doom in every direction "No. If you die. I die"

"Get the Hell out of the way"

I shook my head and took a deep breath. I could hear it. The bus, or maybe a truck. The ground began to tremble as it neared me. I breathed in through my nose and exhaled. I just had to accept it. I had to accept dying a second time


The honking got louder and louder. I stood completely still. Eddie grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the way just as the truck was about to drive pass. The driver, shouted and swore at us as he passed by

The death Of Mrs RossWhere stories live. Discover now