Closed eye visuals

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The ride back to Eddie's home was...quiet

But there wasn't any form of strain, it was comfortable silence

I was too busy thinking of a way of helping Eddie with his situation, and Eddie was driving rather intently. I was gazing out the window, trying to figure everything out to the t when Eddie spoke for the first time since we left the motel

"So, any ideas?"

I shook my head "I'm stuck. I can't figure out how to make everyone happy, there's always one person that suffers"

"That's life for you. A fucking waste of time trying"

I straightened in my seat and looked at him "No. Not at all. I'm just missing a few details. Some things just don't fit" I chewed on the nail of my thumb

The car slowed to a stop before changing direction and eventually stopping by the side of the road. We parked right in front of a clothing boutique, and there were thousands of pedestrians passing by. Eddie turned off the engine and fell back on the seat.

I raised my eyebrows "Why did you...?"

"It was at my dad's funeral, where I met him for the first time. That was almost two years ago. Mr Smith was nice, fatherly. I thought he genuinely cared about my dad, and his family. He had put up that act for a solid year. He befriended all of us. I looked up to him, I wanted to be like him"

I blinked "What are you doing?"

Eddie exhaled "I'm telling you what happened. Maybe it'll help you with your plan. I don't know"


"A while ago" He continued "Mr Smith came over to visit and asked to speak to me alone. I was so excited, thinking he was going to hire me or something. I needed a job then, so I assumed he wanted to help. Instead, he told me my dad was in debt and gave me five months to pay"

I pulled my legs up and hugged them. I listened with an open mind, but my heart held up it's defences. I didn't want to get emotionally attached to Eddie, not any more than I already was "How much?"

Eddie's bottom lip started to tremble "Four hundred thousand"

My eyes widened "Jesus Christ"

Eddie squeezed his lips together before talking again "Four hundred thousand. In five months. I was so shocked I almost passed out. I asked him why he waited so long to tell us. I asked him why my dad owed him so much money. He only laughed, and left. I couldn't speak to anyone without snapping at them for a week

I was already stressed because I had to find a job instead of going to university. I had just graduated. Where the fuck was I going to get all that money?" His hands curled into fists "I went out, day after day, trying to find a job. Trying to feed my family, take them to school and still be able to pay for my dad's fucking loan. I got to a point where I was so exhausted that I couldn't think straight. I begged to pay in installments, he refused. The Bastard refused"

"So he wanted to you fail" I concluded "Why?"

"He wanted my dad's house. His cars, his belongings, his wife. My mom wasn't the way you see her now, she got that way because of stress and overeating. She gained the weight quickly. And after that, he didn't want her anymore. So he settled for the next best thing"

My vision started to blur "Cecelia" I breathed

Eddie nodded. He gazed up at the roof of the car for a moment, breathing in and out, then came back to his senses "When the five months was almost over, I had lost myself. I was a mess, I was everywhere and no where. I felt stuck, I felt like I was drowning in my own shit. I had fought with everyone, caused rifts, broken promises. All because...of that stupid debt. I grew to hate my dad for leaving us with this burden. I used to pray he burned in Hell"

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